Music of the Month: Therefore My Heart Is Glad

75 Years of Musical Excellence

Saints and Apostles—Understanding Christian Symbols

Top Children’s Hymns for Every Season of the Church Year

Music of the Month: “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted: A Lenten Plainsong”

An Introduction to Symbolism in the Christian Church

What Is the Liturgy and the Divine Service?

Top Christmas Arrangements for Pianists

Music of the Month: Christmastide Fughettas

Awaiting the Resurrection: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

Music of the Month: Angels We Have Heard on High—New Setting by John Behnke

Five Well-Loved Hymns by Paul Gerhardt

Music of the Month: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Organ Music for Every Hymn of the Day

Music of the Month: Grace Unbounded: Short and Easy Lord’s Supper Preludes

Teaching Kids to Sing with Canons from One and All Rejoice

5 Hymns to Sing in Honor of the 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnal

Music of the Month: Piano Prelude Series

The Life and Legacy of Isaac Watts

Music of the Month: Richard Hillert: The Unpublished Organ Works

Top Handbell Pieces for Children and Beginners

Music of the Month: Classic Concordia Chorale Preludes

Noteworthy People in Church Music: Johann Walter

Music of the Month: Alleluia! Amen! Eight Organ Preludes for the Church Year

Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnal

Music of the Month: Easter with Minimum Pedal

Five Easy-to-Learn Sheet Music Options for Easter

Music of the Month: Hymn Tune Innovations: 5 Preludes for Lent

Top Children’s Hymns for Lent

Music of the Month: Five Lenten Hymns for Two-Part Choir

Downloadable Sheet Music for Lent

Top Children’s Hymns for Christmas

Music of the Month: Christmas Impressions, Set 2

Pausing for Peace: Advent for Instrumentalists

Top Children’s Hymns for Advent

Music of the Month: Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head

The Stories behind Your Favorite Reformation Hymns

Music of the Month: Built on the Rock by Wayne L. Wold

Vespers and Evening Hymns

Music of the Month: My Lord, What a Morning

Children’s Music for the Worship Service

An Overview of Compline

Music of the Month: Artful Hymn Accompaniments for Piano

What Is a Cantor?

Music of the Month: Inviting Them to Sing

The Doxology in Worship

The Story that Inspired “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”

Advice on Church Music Composition from John A. Behnke

Music of the Month: Pentecost Mosaics

An Overview of Matins

Music of the Month: Lutheran Music and Meaning

The Stories Behind Your Favorite Easter Hymns

Five Lutheran Hymns of Johann Sebastian Bach

Children’s Hymns for Holy Week and Easter

Music of the Month: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”: From Lent to the Lord’s Supper

Teaching Children about Lent through Music

Music of the Month: Hymns Complete

Top Organ Chorale Prelude Collections

Music of the Month: When I Behold Jesus Christ

The Stories behind Three Favorite Christmas Hymns

Downloadable Sheet Music for Epiphany

The History of “Savior of the Nations, Come”

Rejoicing While Waiting for Jesus

Downloadable Sheet Music for Christmas

Music of the Month: Advent with Minimum Pedal

The Story That Inspired “Thy Strong Word”

The Musical Heritage of the Lutheran Church

Downloadable Sheet Music for Advent

Music of the Month: “God Is Our Refuge and Strength”

Sacred Piano Music Collections to Uplift Your Church

Using Hymns to Learn or Improve Improvisation

Downloadable Sheet Music for Reformation

Music of the Month: “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word”

Strengthening Our Singing Voice

Music of the Month: Rest for the Weary

Music and Language Drawing Us to the Lord’s Supper

Top Three Collections to Get Instrumentalists Involved in Your Church

Music of the Month: Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Services

Congregational Singing and the Body of Christ

Music of the Month: Piano Resonance

Why We Should Sing Children’s Hymns

Music of the Month: “Partita on Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”

Fasting and Feasting on Music

Music of the Month: Praise Mosaics

Ceremony in the Divine Service

Downloadable Sheet Music for the Easter Season

Music of the Month: That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright

Music Education and Child Development

Music of the Month: Now, Even Now, Declare a Fast

Do We Listen to Too Much Music?

Featured Church Music for Lent

Why Do Christians Celebrate Communion at Christmas?

Pondering Christ in Our Work as Church Musicians

Music of the Month: When Morning Dawns: Nine Preludes for Advent and Christmas

Waiting for the Light of the World

Music of the Month: The First Noel

Technology and Church Music

Music Evolving through the Reformation

Music of the Month: Preludes on Five Hymns of Martin Luther

The Importance of Movement in the Divine Service

Music of the Month: Praetorius Chorales for SAB Choir

The Liturgy of Back-to-School Routines

The Heritage of Music during the Reformation

Music of the Month: Chorale Preludes of Georg Philipp Telemann

The Tedious Work of Musicians and Christians

The Psalms in Christian Worship

Music of the Month: The Good Shepherd by Jonathan D. Campbell

The Name of the Lord in the Liturgy

Church Musicians Need Rest Too

Building Disciples through the Worship Service

Understanding Worship: Service of the Sacrament

Teaching Today's Young Musicians with Musical Masters

Music of the Month: Light Divine: Three Pentecost Hymn Settings for Organ

Teaching Psalms to Students

Music of the Month: Notes of Gladness

How Music Affects Its Listeners

Understanding Worship: Service of the Word

The Beautiful Routine of the Liturgy

Themes in the Season of Lent

Music of the Month: Good Friday Suite

In Memoriam: Dr. Carl Flentge Schalk

Composer of the Month: Robert Powell

Live Out Your Love for Traditional Church Music

Music of the Month: Cross of Jesus: Six Preludes for Lent

God Always Has Room for You: Devotion on Where Shepherds Lately Knelt

Teach Children to Play Beautiful Music through Stories

A Celebration of Hymn to Joy

Music of the Month: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

Composer of the Month: Johann Crüger

Six Thanksgiving Hymn Favorites

Develop a Music-Making Culture at Home

Composer of the Month: Sandra Eithun

Four Instrumental Pieces for Thanksgiving Worship

Music of the Month: Let All Things Now Living

Why Classical Music is a Gift

Composer of the Month: Martin Franzmann

The Reformation’s First Lutheran Hymns

Music of the Month: O Rejoice! 25 Hymn Introductions for Organ

Handbell Guidelines for Sundays in a Pandemic

Holy Spirit, Breathe on Us

Composer of the Month: Kenneth Kosche

Unison, 2-Part and 3-Part Choral Music for Sundays in a Pandemic

Music of the Month: The TTBB Chorale Book, Volume 2

Music, the Church Year, Repeat

Composer of the Month: Fridrich Layriz

Using a Children’s Hymnal at Home, Church, and School

Music of the Month: Built on the Rock

Why Christians Should Make Music with Joy

How 6 Popular Lutheran Service Book Hymn Tunes Got Their Names

Composer of the Month: Kevin Hildebrand

Teaching the Faith with Catechism Hymns

Why Christians Need Pop Music

Hymn Translator of the Month: Catherine Winkworth

Reflection on 'There is a Balm in Gilead'

Music of the Month: Jesus Has Come—Eight Organ Preludes for the Church Year

What Songs Are Stuck in Your Head?

Composer of the Month: Charles Ore

Uniting Church Hymns throughout Time and Place

Music of the Month: The Wind Blows Where It Wills

Cling to Hymns in a Pandemic

Composer of the Month: Paul Gerhardt

Music of the Month: Christ Being Raised

Music during Tragedy

The Women of Lutheran Service Book You Might Not Know About

Music of the Month: Four Easter Hymns for Twelve Bells

God’s Generous Gift of Music

Composer of the Month: August Crull

How to Network with Local Church Musicians

Why Church Bells Ring

Composer of the Month: Carl F. Schalk

Music of the Month: Glory Be to Jesus

The Church’s Song: Proclamation, Pedagogy, and Praise

Why We Learn to Square Dance

Hymn of the Month: From Heaven Above to Earth I Come

Six Myths about Christmas Hymns

Music of the Month: Proclaim! Preludes for Christmas

Why We Listen to Music

Hymn of the Month: From God Can Nothing Move Me

Three Thanksgiving Hymn Histories

Music of the Month: Festival Gloria

Three Hymn Recommendations for Reformation Day

Train Students to Sing Hymns Artfully

Hymn of the Month: I Know My Faith Is Founded

5 Fun Facts from the new LSB: Companion to the Hymns

Celebrating Composer Dr. Carl Schalk

Why Music Education Is Important

We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God: Te Deum Hymn Devotion

Music of the Month: For Faith, We Praise You, Lord

Imitation in Music

Worship as a Communal Experience

Hymns as Poems: What Do They Mean without Music?

Hymn of the Month: One Thing’s Needful

Music of the Month: Go, My Children, with My Blessing

Five-Step Summer Plan for Music Teachers and Directors

How the Season after Pentecost Illustrates the Life of the Church

Music of the Month: To Live Is Christ

Musical Literacy, Sightreading, and the Church

The Rhythm of Worship

Reflecting on Holy Week Music after Easter

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