
The Christian life begins and ends as we gather together to receive God’s gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation in weekly worship. Whether you’re a service planner, worship leader, or hymn lover, you’ll sing for joy at these music posts.

When you’re at home, work, and in the world you grow in your faith by reading the Bible, devotions, and books. Here you’ll find encouraging and thought-provoking reads to keep you focused on God’s Word every day.


Deeply studying God’s Word connects you with your Heavenly Father, your family of faith on earth, and even with those who have gone before you in the faith—expanding your understanding of the Christian life.


Gain confidence to teach the faith to the next generation. These posts will equip you to better understand Scripture and best pedagogical practices.


Everyone has vocations at home, church, work, school, and the world. As you move and live in these spaces, these posts give you tangible ways to serve your neighbor.