Think back to your first leadership opportunity. Were you nervous, eager, confident, or terrified? Do some of your choices then make you cringe now and thank God for His grace? Who helped you along the way? Young leadership has an uneven learning curve that requires mentors who are willing to walk alongside you in those ups and downs.
As part of the Body of Christ, we experience both joy and challenges: God calls us to be united in Him, yet unique in our individuality. Within the church, we engage with people in all seasons of life, from newborns to young adults in their twenties, to those long past retirement. Although we all have the same need for salvation through faith in Jesus, each age group comes with different contexts and experiences. Read on to discover the top three materials to reach out intentionally to young adults in your congregation.
“You have formed us for Yourself, oh Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” —St. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions, 1.1, paraphrased
If you enter a room of pastors, theologians, or historians and ask, “Apart from Jesus Christ and the apostles, who is the most important figure in church history?” you will likely be met with blank stares as your audience grapples with the difficulty of answering such a question. But if they decide to play along, Augustine’s name is one of the first you will hear.
Recently, I had the opportunity to share about the books I write at a homeschool convention. I remember one mom looked over the flier about Journey through Church History and said thoughtfully, “I don’t know if it ever occurred to me to teach my kids about church history, but I think that’s a great idea.”
This blog is a continuation of the series on teaching the differences between Christianity and other major world religions. This blog addresses New Age beliefs.
The world is full of worldviews. Christians have always faced lies about Jesus and His ministry, and Christians witness best when they are well prepared. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are reminded to “always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Prepared with a Reason Apologetics Curriculum guides high schoolers, young adults, and adults to investigate seven worldview topics, assess common false assumptions about Christianity and God’s Word, and learn how to respond “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
Mental health awareness has increased significantly over the last decade, especially for our youth. When it comes to addressing these important topics and conversations, there are a lot of resources to choose from. How do you find a mental health curriculum that builds up healthy habits while keeping Christ at the center? Our new Resilient Minds: Christ-Centered Mental Health Curriculum for 5th–8th grade makes answering this question a no-brainer!
This blog is a continuation of the series on teaching the differences between Christianity and other major world religions. This blog addresses Mormonism, a common worldwide religion whose claim to be Christian ought to be approached with much skepticism.
Families and educators share the role of encouraging children toward faith that endures a lifetime. That is why Concordia Publishing House created the Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum for Preschool–8th grade. Now, we are excited to share with you that Early Childhood has been added to the Enduring Faith family! Continue reading to learn more about this curriculum and how it nurtures the little ones in your life on their faith journey.
In Mark 7:21–23, Jesus says, “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
As a part of my series on teaching differences between Christianity and other major world religions, I will explain a major world religion with core teaching that is the antithesis of this warning against trusting ourselves—looking inward for peace. That religion is Buddhism.