Easter—the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection after His death upon the cross—is such a joyous occasion, and absolutely central to the Christian faith. If you’re looking to share this wonderful news with children you love, start with this list of some of our favorite children’s books for Easter.
This blog is the second of a series based on topics treated by Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa in his book series on faith and culture.
In light of my recent book, Ten Lies Satan Loves to Tell, I thought it would be helpful to engage with a few frequently asked questions that the book may raise for readers. This is part two, which addresses questions about spiritual warfare. In part one of my blog series, I address questions about Satan’s identity and actions.
In my book, 10 Lies Satan Loves to Tell, I go over many different lies that Satan likes to whisper and the truth that God tells you. Before we can begin to dig into these lies, it’s important to know who Satan truly is. I thought it would be beneficial to answer these five frequently asked questions about Satan so you can have a better understanding of the enemy to your faith and how Christ defeated Him for you.
When I was a child, Communion seemed to take forever. In an attempt (I suspect) to keep restless kids occupied, an adult suggested that we pray for each person who walked past our pew. I can’t remember how much praying I did then, but the advice stayed with me. As an adult, I often pray for my fellow congregants as they take Communion. This little spiritual practice has given me a richer picture of the Body of Christ.
I was giving some motherly advice to my college-aged daughter, listing several different suggestions on how she might handle a situation she was facing. As I talked, my daughter looked more and more annoyed. Finally, she said, “Mom, stop trying to fix it!”
One of the blessings of being a professional church worker is the kindness and generosity I have received from other church workers and members of the congregations I have served. I have had access to various opportunities merely because I’ve gotten to know people throughout the course of my study and service. For example, while I was an undergraduate, I secured a summer job because my pastor knew the owner of the company. I obtained a discount on three different cars because the party selling the car knew I was a church worker with limited resources. It really is who you know. Or perhaps who knows you.
Every winter, my church works with a local charity and other houses of worship to host a hypothermia shelter. One week a year, each church welcomes a group of our unhoused neighbors into their building, giving them dinner, a warm place to sleep overnight, and breakfast. From November to March, the houses of worship in our community supplement the country’s overflowing permanent shelters, one week and one church at a time.
What is the difference between believers and unbelievers in God’s eyes? The Father created us in His image, and Jesus carried the sins of every one of us, both believers and unbelievers, fully satisfying God’s wrath against all of us through His suffering, death, and resurrection. The difference lies in the work of the Holy Spirit, creating and sustaining saving faith in Jesus Christ for believers.
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). This blog is the first of a series based on topics which Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa treats in his book series on faith and culture.