Sticks and Stones: Healed and Made Whole

3 Bible Teachings about Change

Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control through the Love of Christ

How Martin Luther Approached Mental Health Issues

Passing Down the Faith to the Next Generation

How to Answer 5 Common Questions about Jesus Christ

Grace and Mercy: How God Loves Us

Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness Bends

Five Devotions for Holy Week

Three Reasons It Is Difficult to Repent

Five Books That Equip You to Share Your Faith

3 Principles to Guide Your Study of the Old Testament

What Are the Marks of the Church?

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness Perseveres in Love

5 Bible Verses about God’s Plan for You

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness Grows

3 Prayers for Grief

4 Myths about the Book of Revelation

FLAME’s Experience with Confession and Absolution

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness Gets Its Hands Dirty

5 Powerful Reasons to Read God’s Word Every Day

3 Prayers for Pastor Appreciation Month

How Does God Apply Grace to Our Lives?

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience Trusts

Best Family Devotionals

Top 5 Egypt Facts to Help You Understand the Life of Joseph

Did Jesus Die for Everyone?

Christian Love, Plainly Spoken

Do We Have Prophets Today?

Is the Church a Building?

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace Lets Go

Making Sense of the Whole Bible: Piecing God’s Story Together

Prioritizing Daily Prayer Habits

The Work and Gifts of the Church

Three Tips to Find Focus in a Distracting Culture

An Invitation to Pray The Lord's Prayer: National Day of Prayer

Challenges Christian Parents Are Facing in Education

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy Overflows

What Joseph's Story Teaches about Trusting God to Lead

Top Five Misunderstood Sayings of Jesus

Fruit of the Spirit: Love Comes First

Sadness and Joy in Lent

Understanding Justification and Sanctification

Prayers for Forgiveness to Help You Turn a New Leaf

Best Biblical Devotions for Your Shelf

Complete List of Church Year Commemorations

Finding Peace, Hope, and Joy during a Bittersweet Christmas

The Cycle of the Christian Life—Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio

Heavenly Peace During Advent and Christmas

Complete List of Church Year Feasts and Festivals

How Learning the Apostles’ Creed in Mandarin Broadened My Understanding

Emotions: And God Called Them Good

How I Learned to Study Scripture

What Do Lutherans Believe about the Saints?

Understanding Justification by Grace Alone through Faith Alone

Holding On to God’s Word and God’s People

What Do Lutherans Believe about Predestination?

Your Emotions and God

3 Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses

The Lutheran View of Salvation and How It Brings Comfort

Your Emotions Are God’s Gift

What I Learned Leading a Women's Bible Study

What are the Means of Grace?

A Student’s Sneak Peek into Deliver Us

From Clueless to Fearless: Learning from Peter

Six Christian Books for Busy College Students

Keep Up Bible Study Attendance: It’s for Everyone

Trust Christ’s Victory Instead of Striving for Success

Three Bible Verses for When Showing Grace Feels Impossible

Worth the Cost: Follow Jesus through Suffering

The Spiritual Practice of Slowing Down

Christian Summer Reading List

Promised Rest in the Names of God

Asking Christian Questions Is Okay (and Encouraged)

Never Too Late for Forgiveness

Building Spiritual Disciplines after Lent

The Seasons of the Church Year

Understanding Our Need for One Another

The Hero’s Journey Is a Gospel Tool

The Living Water of Forgiveness

Growing Your God-Given Relationships

Get Back on Track with Your Bible Reading Goals

You. Are. Forgiven.

What Makes a ‘Happy’ Year?

Three Lessons from Learning to See Faith in Films

Devotion for the Commemoration of J. K. Wilhelm Loehe, Pastor

Devotion for the Circumcision and Name of Jesus

Devotion for New Year’s Eve

Reading for the Commemoration of David

Reading for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs

The Word for Your New Year

Devotion for the Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist

The Six Properties of Eternal Life

Great Expectations for Healing

Experiencing Advent in a New Context

Finding Common Ground When Common Ground Feels Lost

Giving Thanks–for a Toothbrush?

God’s Design for Gender Roles

Hope in the Resurrection

The Cultural Head Nod

Creating a Habit of Time in God’s Word

Reading for the Commemoration of Abraham

Listening to the Lord in the Wilderness

How Digital Habits Affect Our Walk with God

Caring for Your Mental Health When the World Seems Unstable

5 Bible Verses to Say Aloud When You Have Doubt

Following God's Heart, Not Our Own

The Grateful Drive-Thru Guy

Why Do Christians Go to Church?

God’s Child: Valuable, Cherished, and of Infinite Worth

Qualities of a “Good” Christian

Sheep and Shepherds in Psalm 23

Covered Head to Toe

Praising God for His Law and Love in Psalms

St. James the Elder, Apostle

One of a Kind, Uniquely Created

God’s Gift of Rest under a Tiny Tree

How Marriage Is a Picture of Christ and the Church

A Prayer for Memorial Day

What Captures Your Attention?

A Little Grace Goes a Long Way

Christ-Centered Gifts for New Beginnings

Why Christians Need Fellowship

Broke(n) and Restored

Messy Feelings and God’s Design

Anxious Mind, Gracious God

God of the In-Between

Christ Brings Peace to Troubled Hearts

A Season of Mourning

Using Daily Prayer and God's Word to Battle Anxiety

Where is God in Our Suffering?

Black History and HIS Story

Putting on the Armor of God

Don’t Hurt Your Witness to Christ with Your Social Media Use

The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord

Four Bible Verses about God's Love

Defeating Radical Individualism with Christ

The Work of Our Hands

My New Year’s Resolution

A Tangled Ball of Lights

God’s Gift of the Gospel

Are You in the Wilderness This Christmas?

Connected to Christ in Advent

Ten Seats, Six Feet—Let’s Eat

Explaining Forgiveness: An Illustration Using Soap

An Advent Shift to Social Media

The (Hidden) Blessing of Quarantine

Standing Firm in Christ

Four Bible Verses on the Gift of Forgiveness

Homeward Bound

Engaging Authentically with One Another in Christian Community

5 Political-Season Reminders from the Book of Daniel

A Secure and Constant Hope

Just for Decoration

Books to Help You Build a Powerful Prayer Life

Asymptomatic Symptoms

No More Stress: Teaching the Faith at Home

When You Get What You Prayed For

Anxiety and the Pandemic

Setting a Family Devotion Routine for Back to School

How to Memorize Scripture (and Why It’s Important)

Wade in the Water

Jesus Gives You the Perfect Prayer

Four Bible Verses for Rejoicing Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Kneeling for Justice

Planning Your Ideal Devotional Time

What is God Calling You to Do?

How Being Creative Makes Us Appreciate God

Things I Love About My Dad

A Different Kind of Memorial Day

Five Reasons to Start Reading with CPH Reads

How God Changes Hearts

Mothers and Fathers: The Christian Parenting Team

Books of the Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel

Come to Me You Who Are Heavy Laden

Prayer, Peace, and Pestilence: Psalm 91 and Today

Easter Alone? Never.

Celebrating Easter at Home

Prayers for Holy Week

5 Prayers to Use in Times of Turmoil

Year C Reading for the Fifth Sunday in Lent

5 Bible Verses to Cling to for Comfort

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Deuteronomy

Hope for the Worried

Subtle Sins

The Death of Conviction

Grief: The Burden of Your Loss

The Four Different Loves in Your Life

Books of the Bible Study Questions: 2 Peter

Smaller and Smaller Churches: Evaluating Our Retention

Small Signs of Christ’s Comfort

How to Form New Devotional Habits

The Best Books to Read with Your Kids This Christmas

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Malachi

You’ve Got a New Bible. Now What?

Last Sunday of the Church Year Devotion on Creation

Devotional Reading for the Commemoration of Elizabeth of Hungary

Devotion on Malachi 4:1-6 | Proper 28–Year C

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Habakkuk

Devotion on Exodus 3:1-15 | Proper 27–Year C

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