5 Ways Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum Boosts Students’ Bible Knowledge

Classroom Bible learning is more than just memorizing facts—it is helping students connect with God’s Word in a way that strengthens their faith and deepens their understanding. Beyond the core aspects of lesson plans, teachers can incorporate interactive activities to reinforce biblical learning and help students apply their faith in everyday life. Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum was developed with this goal in mind, providing an aligned, Christ-centered approach that engages students at every level. Here are five adaptable activities that bring lessons to life and boost biblical knowledge in class!

Bible Story Reenactments

Reenacting Bible stories allows students to experience Scripture in a dynamic way, but older students can take it a step further by writing their own script before performing. Working in groups, students can draft dialogue and narration based on a selected passage, adding simple costumes, props, or classroom items to make the reenactment more immersive. Review their scripts and give suggestions, then give them time to act out these scripts to one another or to younger classes. Additionally, younger students can participate by using The Hear Me Read Bible, acting out simple motions and sounds from the story, such as the roar of the lions in the den with Daniel or the waves crashing before Jesus calms the storm.

After performing, students can participate in discussion, using prompts from Enduring Faith’s “Into Our Lives” section in session 2 of each lesson to reflect on the story’s message and how it applies to their own lives.

Scripture Memory Challenges with a Twist 

Memorizing Bible verses is a common aspect of Bible learning in class, but making it more interactive ensures that students absorb the meaning of the words in addition to being able to merely recite them. Enduring Faith’s Memory Words activities provide many opportunities for verse memorization, including suggestions for engaging exercises and digital drag-and-drop activities as part of the Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum Digital Resources. Teachers can turn memorization into a classroom challenge, where students work together to put a scrambled verse in order or transform the verse into pictograms using emojis. By incorporating both hands-on and digital memory exercises, students engage with Scripture in multiple ways, reinforcing their understanding. 

Annotate and Journal  

Giving students the chance to mark up their Bibles by highlighting and adding notes allows them to slow down and spot connections and themes they might otherwise miss. Hand out colored highlighters and sticky notes to let them organize their thoughts visually. For example, you could have them highlight in blue every time they see the word “forgive.” For younger kids, picture journaling is a great way to go. They can draw key moments from the lesson and add stickers or doodles. This simple activity can be accomplished with very little preparation, and it helps them remember what they learned and allows them to revisit it in the future.  

Engaging Students with Music 

Music creates opportunities for interactive learning, allowing students to engage with biblical themes, memorize Scripture, and reflect on theological truths. Younger students can participate through call-and-response singing, simple motions, clapping patterns, or rhythm instruments like handbells. Older students can keep hymn-reflection journals, highlighting text and connecting it to Bible verses, such as John 3:16 and “Jesus Loves Me.” Cross-grade hymn buddy groups could also allow older students to help younger ones learn and discuss these hymns together. The One and All Rejoice children’s hymnal and the Lutheran Service Book provide Christ-centered hymns that tie into many lessons. The Enduring Faith curriculum often includes suggested hymns to reinforce learning, helping students engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. 

Hands-On Acts of Service 

Hands-on acts of service can help students share God’s love and apply the biblical knowledge that they have learned in the classroom. Students can participate in “Works of Love” projects tied to their Enduring Faith lessons, such as writing encouraging letters with Bible verses to missionaries, church members, or those in need. A class-wide service project, like collecting food for a food pantry or making care kits, allows students to put faith into action. Another option is have them make audio recordings of Bible verses or short devotional messages to share with younger students or those learning Scripture at home. 

Biblical Knowledge and Confidence  

Boosting biblical knowledge in the classroom can utilize active participation, discussion, and real-world application to bring the Bible to life for students. By incorporating creative activities, teachers can help students internalize God’s Word in ways that are both engaging and meaningful. Through lessons and activities that provide the structure and resources needed to support hands-on, Christ-centered learning, students are equipped with biblical knowledge and the confidence to live out their faith.  

Hear more tips and tricks for using Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum in the Enduring Faith playlist.

Balance Bible knowledge with life application in your classroom with Enduring Faith® Religion Curriculum. 

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Picture of Melody Martin
Written by

Melody Martin

Melody is a social media and email specialist at Concordia University Irvine and a former copywriting intern at Concordia Publishing House. As an alum of Concordia University Chicago, she holds an English major as well as minors in communications, creative writing, and theology. Her published poetry can be found in various journals, including her alma mater's Motif. She and her husband are torn between mountains and beaches as new Californians, but they always have a good book in tow either way.

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