You’ve been asked to volunteer for VBS—and at the time it seemed relatively simple. But perhaps you’re starting to wonder if you took on more than you were ready for. Don’t stress! VBS is not only a super fun way to share about Jesus, but it can also be a great faith-building experience for you. As you prepare for this task, check out this Site Leader Checklist and make sure you have what you need for your site.
Each site at a VBS is important, however some sites require a little more prep than others. Check out what resources are most helpful to you according to the site you will be leading or supporting.
- Opening & Closing and Music
- Storytelling for Early Childhood and Elementary
- Bible Exploration
- Crafts
- Snacks
- Games
As you read through these materials, remember that a sample copy of each of these items comes in your Epic Australian Adventure Starter Kit. Items can also be purchased for additional helpers and volunteers at
Opening & Closing and Music
As the leader of opening and closing, you play an important role in setting up each day of VBS (and wrapping it up). Especially on the first day, some kids (and volunteers) may feel a bit nervous. This is the time to get everyone excited for each day! Make sure you have these tools:
Opening & Closing Leader Guide - a sample copy comes in the Starter Kit, but if more than one person is helping out in this area, it could be good to have another one on hand. Inside this guide, you will find key resources and helpful instructions.
- Opening & Closing Skits* - these are provided in your Leader Guide
- VBS Songs, PowerPoints, and Videos* (also available in the Passalong Music Download Card)
- Song Lyrics*
- Mission: Adventure Outreach Project Flyer*
- Music Leader Guide (one copy included in the Starter Kit)
*indicates materials are also available digitally in the Digital Content Center or on the Director USB
Storytelling for Early Childhood and Elementary
Storytelling is the site that is most focused on going through each day’s Bible accounts. On this site, you get to share God’s Word with the children, helping them discover how the Bible account applies to their everyday lives. Every day, children will hear about the Father’s love for them in Jesus Christ. Storytelling is engaging, memorable, active, and fun!
For Early Childhood Storytelling you need:
- Early Childhood Storytelling Leader Guide - this guide includes the Bible points to emphasize while telling the story, along with a supply list and costume suggestions for acting out the story.
- Early Childhood Leaflets - use these during the site or send them home with the kids.
- Sticker Sheets and other fun student essentials!
For Elementary Storytelling you need:
- Elementary Storytelling Leader Guide - as the Early Childhood guide, this guide equips you with all your speaking points, discussion questions, and other helpful information.
- Elementary Leaflets - reinforce the Bible story for the day during the site or send them home with the kids.
- Collectibles and other fun student essentials!
Bible Exploration
This site is a fun opportunity to incorporate a science demonstration that aligns with the Bible account for the day. But if your first thought is, “I don’t know a lot of science!” don’t worry—your leader guide equips you with all the tools you need to wow kids at VBS!
- Bible Exploration Leader Guide - comes with a supply list for each science demonstration, instructions on how to tie the demonstration into the daily lesson, and a Bible Story review. There is also an option for Early Childhood.
- Bible Story Posters - use these to go through the Bible story for the day and restate the Bible memory verse.
- Decorating Posters - decorate your space to go with the theme!
The crafts site is a fun place where kids can be creative and take home a souvenir from that day. Each craft is connected to the daily lesson and aligns with the take-home point.
As the craft site leader you need:
- Crafts Leader Guide - inside you will find a supply list for each craft and an example photo of what the craft could look like when completed. Feel free to share these images with your helpers or even show them to participants so they can get some inspiration. The back of your Crafts Leader Guide also has suggestions for bonus crafts if you want to have multiple options.
- Craft tutorial videos so you and your helpers know how to do each craft!
VBS 2025 Crafts:
- Isaiah 43:1 Photo Frame
- Jesus Leads Sand Art
- Jesus Loves Me Pendant
- Jesus Saves Suncatcher
- Good News Flyer
After all the excitement that VBS can bring, you and your VBS kids will want a snack. As the snack site leader, your job is to make sure that you have all the necessary supplies for each day. You can have the kids assemble their own snack or you can preassemble the snack for them to enjoy while you review the Bible Memory Verse for the day.
- Snacks Leader Guide - inside is a supply list for each day so you know exactly what you need. There are also tips for helping kids with food allergies and sensitivities. To help you even more, there is an example photo of what the snack will look like when assembled so you can decide ahead of time if you want to make any customizations. Look at the back of the guide to find more food fun adventures!
- Snack tutorial videos - share with helpers so everyone is on the same page.
VBS isn’t complete without some play time! As the games site leader, not only are you providing a fun way for kids to play, but you’re also breaking the ice with other kids in their group by doing a fun activity.
For this site you need:
- Games Leader Guide - your guide comes with helpful suggestions for the kind of space you will need for each game, multiple game options, a supply list, and games for early childhood kids. You’ll also be equipped with speaking points to tie your site into the daily lesson and take home point.
Get everything you need for your VBS site leaders on!