Downloadable Sheet Music for the Easter Season

Easter is fast approaching, and every musician knows how important the beautiful organ, piano, handbells, and choral singers are on that Sunday morning. Hearing the resurrection bells in a sanctuary filled with Christ’s presence and victory fills people with joy. Here are five downloadable sheet music pieces to use during the Easter season at your church.

Choral: Christ Is Arisen

Sing out the joy of Christ’s resurrection with this fantastic SAB choral fanfare with organ accompaniment by David M. Cherwien. A translation of CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN by F. Samuel Janzow is the heart for this new and rousing musical setting with an optional introduction to EASTER HYMN. Optional parts for trumpet and handbells are also included. This setting will have your congregants rejoicing that Christ is arisen on this beautiful Easter Sunday. 

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Choral: O Sons and Daughters of the King

“Alleluia! Alleluia! O sons and daughters of the King, whom heav’nly hosts in glory sing.” Intended for the Second Sunday of Easter, this Eastertide setting by Jeffrey Blersch based on O FILII ET FILIAE  has rhythmic excitement that engages the singer and listener. Sing together the story of Easter with your treble ensemble. For variety, you can try using this setting with an ensemble of children or exclusively women. Included are optional parts for percussion instruments.

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Organ: Partita on Duke Street

Play a unique setting for Easter with this organ partita by Charles Callahan based on the tune DUKE STREET. This medium difficulty piece in various meters will give your congregation something new to listen to and reflect on as you go through the Easter season. Broken into six portions—Carillon; Chorale; Quatuor; Trio; Larghetto; Finale—this piece will challenge you as you share in the Easter celebration.

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Organ: He’s Risen, He’s Risen and Christ Is Arisen

This organ prelude by Benjamin M. Culli is based off the tunes WALTHER and  CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN. Congregation members will recognize these familiar tunes and enjoy the beauty of the organ ringing out the triumph of Christ winning victory over the devil for all to hear. The running eighth-note triplets add wonderful variation and fun to the main melody heard throughout.

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Handbell: Awake, My Heart, with Gladness

Easter services are a time for handbell groups to show off stunning pieces like this Level II+ piece by John A. Behnke. Based on the tune AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ, this setting uses 3 to 5 octave handbells to rejoice in Christ’s resurrection with a strong melody and a bright tone throughout. Treat your congregation to a setting that’s filled with the glory and triumph of knowing Christ has defeated sin and the devil. 

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These pieces and hundreds more are available with the CPH Music Subscription. Browse the entire catalog, filled with thousands of pieces to choose from, and listen to previews of each setting to see how you can open your options for music selection on Easter Sunday and every Sunday. 

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