Why We Serve Others: November 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Go-To Lutheran Tools for Family Faith Formation

Written on Their Hearts: October 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Mission Moments: A Place of Refuge and the LCMS Prison Ministry

Comparison: September 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Backpacks and Bear Hugs: A Joyful Missionary Reunion

Your Kids See Christ in Your Marriage: August 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Chaplaincy and Change: How God Refines Us

Distracted: July 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

4 Tips for Planning Youth Service Projects

Calling Out to the Father: June 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Sharing the Gospel through Spanish Arch Books

Struggles and Support: May 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

How One Organization Shares the Gospel with Single Mothers and Families

Ordinary Callings: April 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

God’s Design for Parents

Parenting Guilt, God’s Grace: March 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

How MinistryFOCUS Offers Help to Ministry Leaders

If Truth Be Told: Musings of a Missionary

Patterns: February 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

The Perfect Parent: God the Father Looks Out for Us

Change: January 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

Concordia Gospel Outreach’s Resources Reach the Dominican Republic

Jesus Bears Our Burdens: Everyday Faith Calendar December 2023

Military Chaplaincy amidst Pastoral Shortages

There’s No Time Like the Christmas Present

Giving Thanks Biblically: November 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

How Pastors and Church Leaders Can Deal with Burnout

Heroes: October 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife?—Part 3

The One Thing: September 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

Prayer for Church Council Meetings

Remembering the Importance of Prayer

Meal Time Investment: August 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife?—Part 2

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries Gives Hope to Women in Crisis

Growing in God: July 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

3 Popular Models of Church Organization: A Brief Overview

Faithful in Prayer: June 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife? – Part 1

5 Things Missionaries Wish You Knew

Making Space: May 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

What is Authentic Servant Leadership?

3 Verses for Parenthood: April 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

Loving with the Capacity of Christ

Common Mistakes Church Leaders Make and How to Overcome Them

Keeping the Faith: March 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

A Closer Look at Using Walking Together at Your Church

Repetition: February 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

Support for the Pastor’s Wife and Family: Bust the Fishbowl Mentality

Building: January 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

God’s Mission for the World: An Advent Reflection

You Are Not Alone This Christmas

How to infuse Christian Light into Christmas

Crossing Cultural Boundaries with the Apostles’ Creed

How to Rejoice under the Weight of Bearing Burdens

Choosing the Life of Military Chaplaincy

Advice for Teaching Christianity to Your Children

When We Forget How God Determines Our Worth

Concordia Gospel Outreach LCMS Youth Gathering Mission Project Recap

Equipping Christian Students to Face Back to School Anxiety

Christian Encouragement for Spouses during Deployment

How the Church Can Support Caregivers

Three Encouragements for Sharing the Gospel with Your Kids

Waffles, Mugs, and Bible Study: Four Tips for Building Christian Community That Lasts

LAMP Update: A Year of Rebuilding for Ministry

5 Ways to Teach Kids to Pray

Challenges in Christian Caregiving: Find Rest in Restless Times

3 Ways to Develop Your Relationship with God

As a Christian, Can I Have It All?

Leadership in a Christian Family

God’s House: A Community That Cares

LAMP Update: God’s Mission Won’t Pause

Tips for Christian Parents Tackling Tough Topics with Your Kids

Spiritual Warfare in the Mission Field

Christian Parenting Tips: Preparing Children for Worship

Where is the “Adultier” Adult?

Ideas for Raising Faithful Children

From 9 to 5: Serving God at Work

How to Place Hope in Jesus for the New Year

You Are Part of Preparing Pastors

How Christians Can Respond to Cancel Culture

The Christian Perspective of Christmas

Do You Notice Hurting People?

The Dangers of Pride and Distraction in Social Media

Avoiding “Us vs. Them” Attitudes

Staying Content during the Holiday Season

Benefits of Waiting as a Christian

Curly Hair and God's Good Care

How to Stay Focused on Christ

How to Build Christian Community as Young Adults

The Three Greatest Gifts the Church Can Give to Believers

Combating Work Burnout with God's Word

Biblical Encouragement for the New School Year

We Need Eighth Commandment People Now More than Ever

Humility as Seen in John the Baptist

Faith Lessons I’ve Learned from Running

Communication Lessons from Paul’s Letters

Finding Your Strengths in the Lord

Lessons from the First Year of Marriage

Leading with Intentional Engagement

Parenting Lessons from Fruit of the Spirit

Pruning Is a Gift from God

Three God-Given Ways to Support Your Mental Health this Summer

Planting God's Word through Connection and Sharing

How Creativity Brings You Closer to God

Hate Destroys While Love Restores

Finding Hope in the Messy Middle of Life

What is God Calling Me to Do?

Advice for Christian Pioneer Parents

Preparing for Pastoral Ministry: A Call Day Reflection

Serve Your Neighbors in the Continuation of a Pandemic

April 2021 Everyday Faith Calendar

Teaching the Faith to Children With Down Syndrome

How Christians Can Love and Welcome the Stranger

4 Ways to Find Joy in Winter

How to Engage Kids During Church

Four Rs of an Ordinary Life

Why Lutherans Should Celebrate Black History Month

I Love You Even When I Don’t Like You

How Christians Can Share the Gospel with Someone Battling Depression

The Foundation of Our Hope

How We Steward Our Bodies Helps Us Serve Christ and Others

Look to Jesus for Encouragement During Parenting Trials

Longing for Community? Find It Here

The Christian Vocation within the Culture

Living a Life of Reconciliation

Our Callings through God’s Plan for Us

God Is Never Distant

Overcoming Excuses for Sinful Behavior

How to Crowdfund Your Next Ministry Project

Christmas Service Projects for Families

Gratitude When Gratefulness Won't Come

Simple Ways to Give Thanks with Your Family

Praying with a Thankful Spirit

Three Ways to Serve Christ by Loving Your Family

Celebrating Differences: Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Developing a Circle of Trust

The Art of Listening and Speaking

Anxiety and the Pandemic: How Parents Can Cope While Sending Children Back to School

Marriage and the Art of Adjectives

A Sea of Broken Dreams

4 Places to Share God's Word with Others

The Real Enemy Feeding Racism in America

How to Be a Good (Adult) Child to Your Parents

Conflicting Ideas between Church and Government

How to Build Virtual Community

Racial Healing Begins with Recognizing Our Neighbor

The Nation's Cry for Peace and Justice

How to Be a Christ-Following College Student at Home

National Day of Prayer Activities

The Altogether Beautiful Mess of Motherhood

Maintaining Your Marbles During COVID-19

Six Reasons to Have Certainty in Jesus’ Resurrection

The Family that Quarantines Together

Vocation Starts at Home

Continuing Community from Afar

Accepting Your Baggage and Flaws

You May Not Need All of Your Books, but Someone Else Does

Hoping for Significance: Sharing Meaningful Scripture

Heather Ruesch’s Experience at the March for Life

The Aching Question of Marriage: Will You Fight for Me?

Faithfully Living with Law and Gospel

A Faith That Overwhelms Fear

The Truth of Dating Someone Who Is Not a Christian

Growing Trust in Jesus

5 Ways God Works Through Your Local Congregation

In Times of Doubt, Keep Your Faith

Walking through Loss during the Holidays

What Is Vocation?

Taking Time to Thank God in a World of More

November Is National Adoption Month

Adjusting to Change in Your College Years

Connecting to College Students during Transitions

What to Say to Someone Who Has Lost a Baby

Connecting to College Students through Care Packages

Connecting to College Students through Conversations

5 Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month

Working with Difficult Emotions in Caregiving

Connecting Students’ Families to Church

How to Vacation with Jesus

Adjusting to School as a Lutheran College Student

Shine: Your New Favorite Ministry Tool

The Bad News & Good News about Teen Girls

“If Only We Had More Money”

A Message for New Parents

Keeping Score

A Lot Can Happen in a Year

Teaching the Faith at Home: A Worthy Mess

Getting Feedback from Your Church Youth Group

Bible Journaling with Your Kids

Finding Satisfaction in God in Your Ministry

The One Anothers of Marriage and Parenting

Spring Break Activities to Deepen Your Family’s Faith

Cleaning Out Clutter This Lent

“What Do You Do?”

Go on a Different Kind of Valentine’s Date This Year

The Body of Christ

4 Tips for Preventing Volunteer Burnout

Flinging Blocks: How to Combat Cyberbullying

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