The world is full of worldviews. Christians have always faced lies about Jesus and His ministry, and Christians witness best when they are well prepared. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are reminded to “always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Prepared with a Reason Apologetics Curriculum guides high schoolers, young adults, and adults to investigate seven worldview topics, assess common false assumptions about Christianity and God’s Word, and learn how to respond “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
Mental health awareness has increased significantly over the last decade, especially for our youth. When it comes to addressing these important topics and conversations, there are a lot of resources to choose from. How do you find a mental health curriculum that builds up healthy habits while keeping Christ at the center? Our new Resilient Minds: Christ-Centered Mental Health Curriculum for 5th–8th grade makes answering this question a no-brainer!
Families and educators share the role of encouraging children toward faith that endures a lifetime. That is why Concordia Publishing House created the Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum for Preschool–8th grade. Now, we are excited to share with you that Early Childhood has been added to the Enduring Faith family! Continue reading to learn more about this curriculum and how it nurtures the little ones in your life on their faith journey.
The celebration of Easter is the celebration of God’s grace and what He has done for us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Make sure the children around you know why with these free teaching tools for Holy Week and Easter.
We are thrilled to roll out our VBS program for 2024: Celebrate the Savior! Our theme, Jesus Gives Us Joy, will teach children that Jesus gives us so many things worth celebrating—most importantly, His love and forgiveness. Just as King David celebrated God’s excellence in Psalm 95:1 (“let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation”), children will celebrate their Savior at VBS. Keep reading to learn more about the curriculum at Celebrate the Savior.
Christmas is a favorite time of the year for many. Winter break approaches after a few months of classes, parents are thinking about time off with their kids, and churches are planning their Advent and Christmas celebrations—a joyous and busy time for all. But amid all this, you may be wondering how you can emphasize the importance of Christmas and the greatest gift we have, Jesus. Here are some of our favorite kits and tools for preparing the way for baby Jesus.
As adults in the faith, most of us have a solid understanding of how worship looks throughout the year. We grow accustomed—maybe even desensitized—to the changes around us. Sometimes the altar has a green parament but other times purple, for example. While children may be more observant of these patterns than we expect, it’s important that we intentionally teach them about the seasons of the Church Year in Sunday School.
Youth are not just the church’s future—they’re also the church’s now. As a leader, volunteer, or church worker, your job is to remind youth that they’re loved by Jesus and their congregation. The following is an excerpt from Connected for Life: Essential Guide to Youth Ministry, which provides guidance, encouragement, and advice on leading a youth ministry that supports young adults in their faith for life.
Our children face numerous challenges today, such as topics of conversation happening before they are ready to hear them, pressures regarding their identity, and more. When it comes to conversations about sexual identity and faith, the best we can do is continue to point our children back to God and His Word. In this post, we are going to cover specifics about the new Learning about Sex Education Curriculum and how it equips parents or guardians, teachers, and children to be in the world but not of it.
The truth of God’s Word never changes, but with each new group of catechumens come different learning needs. How do you tailor your teaching to meet students where they are? This post will explore teaching models for confirmation and help you decide which works best for your setting.