Hosting VBS comes with many steps: budgeting, planning, strategizing, promoting. But all of it is worth it when we think about why we do it and the impact it has on our community, bringing more people to learn about Jesus and grow in their faith! As you jump into the details of your VBS, here are some helpful tips and tricks to consider.
Budgeting and Planning
One of the biggest hurdles is determining the budget for your VBS, but don’t let this be where you get stuck. Breaking it down into simple steps will take some of the weight off. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone!
Break down your tasks even further with clear goals for each month. This will keep you on track to ensure you don’t miss anything.
With so many details to work through, recruiting volunteers is a must! Read 7 Steps to Recruiting VBS Volunteers to start. Don’t forget to think about youth in your church or community that you can invite to be part of this incredible event.
Promoting and Registration
You’ve started planning and getting organized, and now you need to start informing people about your VBS. Consider some of these tools to get you started. VBSMate is a free registration tool for volunteers and participants. You can customize it to meet your specific needs and use the pre-designed VBS theme art when setting up your event. VBSMate also comes with promotional tools that include free downloads for sharing your VBS with others.
Perhaps there are several resources you would like help gathering for your VBS. A fundraiser provides an opportunity for members of your congregation to still be part of the VBS preparations even if they cannot volunteer in person on the day.
Transition Times
Sometimes things don’t take as long as expected, or some kids work through things a little faster than the previous group did. These moments can feel awkward if you’re not prepared for them. Simple activities for transition periods are great to have in your back pocket! Take it one step further in your planning by looking for ways you can tie them into your VBS theme.
Song Action Videos
One of the most engaging points during VBS is the music. Kids love to dance and sing along. Song actions are a great way to have fun with the VBS theme while also reinforcing the Bible lesson points. Coordinate with your music leader about what you want this worship time to look like. Looking for tips? Read our 3 Tips for Teaching VBS Song Actions.
Fully embracing the VBS theme and decorating your space is just one of the many aspects that make VBS so much fun! But decorating doesn’t have to be a huge financial burden. Once you have selected your VBS theme, go through your decorations from the previous years and see if there is anything you can repurpose that still works with the theme. Don’t forget to consult your Director’s Guide to get some ideas too. Lastly, Pinterest is a great place to look for VBS inspiration.
Browse a plethora of vivacious VBS materials, from kits to crafts to student essentials. There are so many ways to share the Good News!