Go-To Resources for Parenting Discipleship

Parenting isn’t easy work—we all know that. But what a lot of parents think is even harder is parenting discipleship. God has entrusted parents to be the main faith shapers in their children’s lives, and that vocation can often seem to be a daunting task. In Proverbs,  God commands parents to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). While it is clear that the job of discipleship and faith leadership is a vocation given to parents, how can the church help parents in this way?  

Your Starter Guide for Hosting VBS

Hosting VBS comes with many steps: budgeting, planning, strategizing, promoting. But all of it is worth it when we think about why we do it and the impact it has on our community, bringing more people to learn about Jesus and grow in their faith! As you jump into the details of your VBS, here are some helpful tips and tricks to consider.

Your Guide for VBS 2025: Epic Australian Adventure

Get ready to explore amazing animals, lush landscapes, stunning sea life, and wondrous wilderness this summer at Vacation Bible School. During Epic Australian Adventure: An Unforgettable Journey with Jesus, children will learn what Jesus said about Himself in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Let’s journey through each of the resources that come in the Epic Australian Adventure Starter Kit.

Essentials for Your Church Busy Bag

Going to church as a family is a blessing. When young children are a part of your family, you need to think ahead when it comes to church. Families with young children may need to ask these questions when preparing for worship: “How do I help my child participate in the service?”; “How do I help them concentrate?”; “What should I do if my child wants to start moving around?”

A popular way churches equip families with young children is by providing “busy bags” or “quiet bags” to keep children engaged during the church service. Rather than putting together a random selection of toys or books, consider these resources, which will also help your child learn about what they are experiencing at church!

Month-by-Month VBS Planning Guide

Vacation Bible School is a great tool for engagement, learning about Jesus, and sharing the Gospel. It is a big undertaking to plan and put together a successful VBS.

VBS 2023 Overview: God’s Living Water

This summer at Vacation Bible School, we’re covered in Jesus’ grace! Our theme for this year, God’s Living Water: Covered in Jesus’ Grace, is inspired by 1 Timothy 1:14, which says, “The grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” Each of the lessons focuses on biblical accounts that emphasize the Living Water, Jesus Christ. In this post, we’ll break down how to use the curriculum for Vacation Bible School.

Answering Your Questions about The Tree of Life VBS

Are you ready for VBS this summer at your church? We know that this year will bring unique joys and challenges as churches come together again, so here are some answers to your frequently asked questions about The Tree of Life. These helpful tips can help guide your planning this summer.

God Redeems and Preserves His Children

David understood the reality of his own mortality. As king, he represented a people who lived under constant threat from foreign enemies, foes who would gladly have seen the Lord’s beloved die. Nevertheless, as we read in Psalm 16, David expresses relief and confidence, not that he would never die, but rather that he would not remain in the grave.

Free Easter Children’s Message: The Empty Egg

This Easter, celebrate the best event in our history—the empty tomb! Perhaps your congregation does a special event for your children and the kids in your community. As part of that event, consider tying in a special children’s message that will bring Easter into sharp focus for those in your congregation.

Take-Home Sheets: Equipping Parents to Reinforce Children’s Ministry

Children’s ministries are often the first places little ones learn about the love Christ has for them. These programs give opportunities to share Gospel truths through games, crafts, snacks, and songs. To support children’s learning about Jesus, you can provide take-home sheets to help parents bring the Bible lessons into their homes. Here are some things to include on take-home sheets to help parents reinforce what their children learn from your ministry.

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