This summer at Vacation Bible School, we’re covered in Jesus’ grace! Our theme for this year, God’s Living Water: Covered in Jesus’ Grace, is inspired by 1 Timothy 1:14, which says, “The grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” Each of the lessons focuses on biblical accounts that emphasize the Living Water, Jesus Christ. In this post, we’ll break down how to use the curriculum for Vacation Bible School.
Children’s Ministry Kit
Involve every generation in summer Bible learning with resources for kids, youth, and adult volunteers. In the Children’s Ministry Kit, you’ll find the base VBS curriculum. The kit includes the following:
- Director Guide with Site Leader Materials
- Song Action and Bible Story Videos
- Music Download Card*
- Conversation Cards*
- Children’s Book*
- Youth Book*
- Youth Bible Study Download
- Mission Project
* One sample copy included in kit. Also available to purchase separately.
Bible Lessons
The curriculum covers seven biblical accounts that focus on God’s saving work through water. Each lesson includes a corresponding video and optional add-on materials to help learners grasp the key points of the lesson.
- God Creates All Creatures (Genesis 1; 2:10–14)*
- Water from the Rock (Exodus 17:1–7)
- Naaman Is Healed (2 Kings 5:1–19)
- Jesus at the Well (John 4:1–30)
- Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1–20)
- Thousands Believe in Jesus (Acts 2:1–41)
- Lydia Hears God’s Word (Acts 16:11–15, 40)*
*If your church has a five-day VBS, use the middle five accounts and save the first and last lessons for Sunday School.
Director Guide with Site Leader Materials
The Director Guide offers site helps, including the following:
- Bible Lesson (Storytelling)
- Crafts
- Snacks
- Games
- Science
There are also outlines for the Opening and Closing portions of your VBS day. The guide features perforated site leader pages so you can easily tear them out and hand them off to volunteers. To preview site leader materials, head to our VBS page to download samples.
New Music with Song Action Videos
God’s Living Water offers six brand-new songs, with included Song Action Videos. The kit includes a sample Music Download Card for easy listening. More cards can also be purchased to send participants home with the music and videos from VBS. Listen to the theme song, “Covered in Jesus’ Grace,” right now!
Conversation Cards
When you need to extend a lesson, these Conversation Cards provide an easy way to keep kids engaged. Each deck includes a variety of options:
- Quick activities
- Bible trivia
- Fun facts
- Discussion questions
A sample comes in the Children’s Ministry Kit, and additional decks can be purchased separately as items to send home for further discussion with families.
Youth and Children’s Books

Teach your kids how they are covered in Jesus’ grace with these books. The youth book teaches lessons from the seven biblical accounts, using different parts of Scripture. Pair with the downloadable youth Bible study (also included in the kit) to maximize impact.
The children’s book shares that same message through visual storytelling. Both age groups will learn the history of grace in God’s Word and how He shows that same grace for them today.
God’s Living Word Mission Project
Teach your students about service and sharing Jesus’ grace with others using the God’s Living Word mission project.
This year’s mission project in partnership with Concordia Gospel Outreach will send children’s resources about Jesus’ grace into the hands of kids all over the United States. We will be developing a new children’s outreach Bible to accompany this project! As we work together to place scripturally sound materials into communities, we remember God’s promise that His Word will not return void.
Add-On VBS Materials
The God’s Living Water series includes add-on materials you can purchase to enhance your VBS. Take a look at the items below and decide what will work best for your church.
Bible Story Posters
Enjoy a set of five Bible Story Posters that could be used for decorations and storytelling. Help visual learners see the joy found in Jesus’ grace with artwork that showcases each lesson. These can also be used to decorate your Opening/Closing space, Bible Lesson site, or the halls and walls!
If you need even more decorating ideas, we’ve created a Pinterest board that showcases options for transforming your VBS space into a water-based wonderland. Many of the ideas feature items that can easily be found at your local stores or online.
Early Childhood Leaflets
Available April 2023
Enhance Bible learning during storytelling with these leaflets designed especially for pre-readers. Each Early Childhood Leaflet comes with easy talking points, coloring activities, and engaging pictures. Send the leaflets home with students each day to help families continue the conversation.
Elementary Leaflets
Available April 2023
The Elementary Leaflets include a recap of the Bible lessons with connections showing how students can apply God’s Word to their daily lives. Included with each lesson are prompts to help families put the lessons into action in their everyday lives together.
Keepsake Banner Craft

We hope that you enjoyed this brief overview of the God’s Living Water VBS materials. Keep your eyes on future blog posts for even more ideas on how you can use the curriculum for an intergenerational summer Sunday School or sermon series.
Scripture: ESV®.
Find more information at the God’s Living Water website, or send us an email with any questions.