Early adolescence is an especially formative time in the life of a Christian—not only as youth take ownership of their faith for a future of following Christ, but also as they contribute to the Body of Christ in the “here and now” at the congregational level. The following post, excerpted from Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry, expounds on this with practical advice from Youth Ministry professionals, Julianna Shults and Mark Kiessling.
As a part of my greater series on differences between Christianity and other major world religions, this blog outlines the religion of Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest religions. While it is made up of many sects, there are more than one billion people in the world who practice this religion.
The celebration of Easter is the celebration of God’s grace and what He has done for us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Make sure the children around you know why with these free teaching tools for Holy Week and Easter.
In a society like ours, which is replete with different belief systems, it can be challenging to present the beliefs of Christianity as they differ from other religions. This blog marks the first in a series that seeks to equip teachers of all ages to address differences between Christianity and other major world religions.
Healthy youth ministry recognizes the capability of teens and how God can work through them as servant leaders. Youth leaders can set high expectations for young people, engaging them regularly in opportunities to give input, serve, and lead. In living out their vocation as adult members of a congregation, post-confirmation youth can feel a sense of ownership, build relationships, and positively impact their congregation and community.
In our pluralistic society and world, there is a wide variety of cultures, beliefs, and religions. And with that comes a variety of questions that Christian educators, like you and me, often face! Over the next few months, I will be sharing a series of blogs on teaching the difference between Lutheran Christianity and other religions.
Our world is ever so fond of dichotomies. One of the most time-honored of educational debates is the perennial question: Which is more important—memorization or comprehension?
Over the past twelve months, I have offered thoughts and educational strategies related to teaching Luther’s Small Catechism. As last month’s blog completed the six chief parts, I would like to address a few common questions related to Luther’s Small Catechism.
We are thrilled to roll out our VBS program for 2024: Celebrate the Savior! Our theme, Jesus Gives Us Joy, will teach children that Jesus gives us so many things worth celebrating—most importantly, His love and forgiveness. Just as King David celebrated God’s excellence in Psalm 95:1 (“let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation”), children will celebrate their Savior at VBS. Keep reading to learn more about the curriculum at Celebrate the Savior.
In this blog, we continue our exploration of the Lord's Supper from Luther's Small Catechism with the Third and Fourth Sections.