Who Was St. Augustine of Hippo?

“You have formed us for Yourself, oh Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” —St. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions, 1.1, paraphrased 

If you enter a room of pastors, theologians, or historians and ask, “Apart from Jesus Christ and the apostles, who is the most important figure in church history?” you will likely be met with blank stares as your audience grapples with the difficulty of answering such a question. But if they decide to play along, Augustine’s name is one of the first you will hear.

3 Reasons to Teach Church History to Kids

Recently, I had the opportunity to share about the books I write at a homeschool convention. I remember one mom looked over the flier about Journey through Church History and said thoughtfully, “I don’t know if it ever occurred to me to teach my kids about church history, but I think that’s a great idea.”

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