What Is Eternal Life?

Theologians throughout the ages have had many theories and thoughts on eternal life. In this excerpt from On Eternal Life, read Johann Gerhard’s thoughts on the matter of heaven and eternal life.

Why Will the World End?

This blog post is adapted from Johann Gerhard’s Theological Commonplace On the End of the World and On Hell, specifically Gerhard’s notes on the reasons for the end of the world.

On Preaching About Hell: Gerhard’s Advice

This blog post is adapted from Gerhard’s Theological Commonplace On the End of the World and On Hell, or Eternal Death, specifically Gerhard’s notes on the practical pastoral benefits of preaching on hell. 

Gerhard on the Effects and Consequences of the Final Resurrection

This post is adapted from On the Resurrection of the Dead and On the Last Judgment by Johann Gerhard.

Doctrine of Justification: Its Use and Definition according to Gerhard

This post is adapted from the latest edition in Gerhard’s Theological Commonplaces series, On Justification through Faith.

6 Bible Verses Gerhard Used to Tie Justification to Righteousness

Works-righteousness was as big of a theological issue in Gerhard’s time as it is in ours. So Gerhard went back to the primary source—the Bible—to see what God has to say about the topic. Here’s what he found.

Johann Gerhard on Prayer

A prolific writer, professor, and pastor, Johann Gerhard (1582–1637) is regarded as one of the greatest theologians and thinkers of his time. Meditations on Divine Mercy is a collection of prayers written by Johann Gerhard. In addition to Gerhard’s prayers, the book also includes a chapter on the purpose and benefits of prayer, as well as an explanation of the blessing and historic aspects of daily meditation.

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