“Abortion is not normal.”
—Abby Johnson, Former Planned Parenthood Director
This post is adapted from my newest women’s Bible study, Joy: A Study of Philippians.
I watch for the mailman, and I check my email and text messages a little more often than I’d like to admit, in the hopes that a personal note will be there. I get so excited to receive mail that I might even do a joy dance!
Today we focus on the Epistle, Philippians 3:4b–14, with a devotion from A Year in the Word.
During the Reformation, art was a means by which the Gospel was made known to many people who couldn’t read or didn’t have access to books. Today we remember two Reformation artists, Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Dürer, with a devotion from Inside the Reformation.
Love is a tricky word to define. The world has one definition of love. God’s Word has another. With these differing definitions, how do we define love? How can we know what’s true?
There are a lot of differences between Christian denominations—that's why there are denominations in the first place—but those differences run deeper than worship style or whether the minister wears a robe.
For today’s devotion we read about the Gospel in an excerpt from Finding the Lost: Cultural Keys to Luke 15.
Today the Church remembers when the angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her about Christ’s incarnation.
Today we focus on the Old Testament Reading, Ezekiel 33:7–20. Our reading comes from Concordia Commentary: Ezekiel 21–48.
In 1 Samuel, we meet a host of important characters in the biblical narrative: Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David. These names might seem familiar from Sunday School, but the intertwining story between these characters is epic.