As we remember Joseph today and consider the role he played in the Holy Family, we think about our own families. Our devotion comes from Courageous Fathers of the Bible.
For today’s devotion, we focus on the Psalm of the Day from Psalm 4. Our devotion comes from Reading the Psalms with Luther.
I recently had the opportunity to facilitate a women’s retreat at a local Lutheran camp. While gathering together with a multiage group of women, we spent time listening to, discussing, and exploring the words of the hymn “It Is Well.”
Today’s Gospel is about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness after He was baptized. We read about it with a devotion from the Arch Book Jesus and the Stranger.
Today we remember martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas, who were killed in Rome in the third century. Our devotion is from Treasury of Daily Prayer.
In Year C of the three-year lectionary, the Gospel for Transfiguration is from the Book of Luke.
Jesus Christ is both true God and true man. He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, as we confess in the words of the Nicene Creed. We refer to the “incarnation” of Jesus using a word that derives from two Latin words: in and carne, meaning, quite literally, “in fleshing.”
In January 2018 and 2019, a lot of people abandoned New Year's resolutions in favor of a single word that would influence everything they did that year.
We focus today on the Old Testament Reading, which is the account from Genesis 45 of Joseph forgiving his brothers in Egypt.
My name is Brenda, and I am the author of God’s Gift of Family. But I’m also a mother of five, a wife, and the founder of Run Hard. Rest Well., a nonprofit that seeks to restore the biblical rhythm of balance between work and rest.