Books of the Bible Study Questions: Matthew


Reading for the Second Sunday of Easter (Year C)

Today we look at the Epistle, Revelation 1:4–18, specifically verse 13, in which the term “son of man” is used to refer to Jesus. Our devotion is from Concordia Commentary: Revelation.

These Three Keep Us Together

People know only so much about you. Your neighbors, the people at work, even your friends—they all know only a part of you. However, what they know paints their picture of you.

Devotion on Luke 24 for Easter Sunday

Christ is risen! God the Father raised His Son from the dead so we can have everlasting life, and He sends us to share this Good News with others. Today we read about the first people God sent to share the Good News of the resurrection: the women who visited the tomb that first Easter morning. Our devotion comes from LifeLight: Luke, Part 2—Leaders Guide.

Devotion for Holy Saturday | Church Year Readings (Year C)

Today we focus on the Gospel of the day, which describes Jesus’ burial and the setting of a guard outside His tomb. Our devotion comes from Concordia Commentary: Matthew 21:1–28:20.

Devotion for Good Friday | Church Year Readings (Year C)

“It is finished.” Yes, it is finished on the cross. But living in a world full of sin, sometimes we don’t feel like it is finished. Read about this in today’s devotion, which is drawn from Words of Life from the Cross: Resources for Lent–Easter Preaching and Worship.

Devotion for Holy (Maundy) Thursday | Church Year (Year C)

Jesus knows our sin. But He loves us anyway—so much so that He died on the cross to earn our salvation. We read about this wondrous love of His in our devotion, which comes from Places of the Passion: Resources for Lent–Easter Preaching and Worship.

When a Pew Bible Leaves the Pew

Concordia Ann Arbor has a problem.

They’re running out of Bibles in their chapel.

Devotion for Palm Sunday | Church Year Calendar (Year C)

Jesus didn’t run away from the cross. He went to it willingly, knowing full well the pain it would cause Him. As we read today about the Last Supper, we recognize that He went to the cross for our forgiveness, for our salvation.Our devotion comes from Church Year Connections: Year C.

An Easter Devotion on the Small Catechism

Easter morning, a mother and her daughters dressed up and walked to church. It was snowing when they returned, but the girls didn’t mind the cold. The Easter lilies and story of Jesus’ resurrection were all they could think about. When they reached their house, they found a white package on their step.

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