This post is adapted from my newest women’s Bible study, Joy: A Study of Philippians.
If you’ve mailed me a letter, I probably still have it. I treasure handwritten words because the writer has something special to say. Maybe the letter is filled with news and updates. Or perhaps it contains humbling words of thanks. Often, it includes encouraging words and tender reminders. Sometimes it contains carefully crafted remarks that challenge or hold me accountable. One of my favorite parts of personal letters is the valediction, the complimentary close, such as “Blessings, my friend,” “With a grateful heart,” or “Yours in Christ.”
As we see how God used Lydia to further the mission in Philippi, we think about how He uses us in various ways to further His work. Our devotional reading for today comes from the Arch Book Lydia Believes.
Today we remember Bede, an English monk who lived in the seventh and eighth centuries. Bede is remembered for his teaching about history and Christian theology. Our devotion comes from Lutheran Worship: Hymnal Companion.
Today we focus on the Psalm of the Day and how it talks about God as Creator. Our devotion comes from Blessed Is the Man: Psalms of Praise.
This post is an excerpt from my newest Bible study, Shine: Sparkling with God’s Love.
Toxic friendships can cause so much darkness in your world. They can make you feel angry, frustrated, vengeful. How can you, as a young Christian woman, deal with these friendships in a way that reflects God’s love? Here is an (incomplete) list of some toxic friendships and how you can rely on God to help you share His love with friends who need it.
Today we focus on the reading from Revelation 7, specifically the message in verse 17. Our devotion comes from Hope When Your Heart Breaks: Navigating Grief and Loss.
This post is adapted from Perseverance: Praying through Life’s Challenges, a new women’s Bible study by Donna Pyle focusing on the Book of Nehemiah.
My perseverance journey started several months ago as I stepped on the scale after yet another failed “healthy lifestyle” attempt. The egregious number blaring up at me seemed to confirm the lie I had already believed for years: This is just who I am.
As we remember Job today, we consider how God carries us through our suffering too. We do not suffer alone. Our devotion comes from Why Did This Happen to Me?
Today we read about the Gospel, John 21:1–19, in which Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love Me?” Our devotion comes from LifeLight: John, Part 2—Leaders Guide.
Athanasius was a fourth-century bishop in Egypt. He is remembered for his conflict with Arius, during which he staunchly preached that Jesus is of one substance with God the Father.