Luke 18:1–8 is a parable that the Lord uses to encourage His disciples to pray persistently.
When I teach on the Seventh Commandment, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15), I challenge students to come up with examples of stealing beyond theft, armed robbery, burglary, and the like. I am pleased when they can come up with less obvious examples like tax evasion, falsifying time cards, being late, or breaking a promise.
Anxiety can get the best of us, but even amidst our struggles, God promises to provide for all our needs. Read what Pastor Phil Rigdon has to say about the anxiety found in Luke 12:22–34.
Discover salvation and sin in the parable of the Good Samaritan with Pastor Phil Rigdon’s insight.
Explore Christ’s great confession, “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58), to the Pharisees and the highlights of John’s Greek with Rev. Phil Rigdon.
Exploring the original Greek of Revelation 21, Pastor Rigdon shows us Christ’s words on the new heaven and the new earth promised to us in the last days.
The resurrection of our Lord, despite the initial disbelief of the disciples, was no surprise. Rather, it was a promise repeated throughout the Old Testament and Christ’s own ministry. Best of all, this is just one of God’s many promises for you!
Below, Phil Rigdon explores the temptation of Jesus as recounted in Luke 4:1–13.
In Luke 5, Christ preaches to the crowds and grants a miracle of fish to Simon Peter and his fellow fisherman. This great mass of fish was only a precursor to the great catch of the faithful that Christ has won for God through His Word and ministry.
The following is an excerpt from Dr. Curtis Giese’s Concordia Commentary on James. It considers God’s role as a gift giver and unchanging figure.