What Luther Says about the Promises of God

“But it is the chief subject of all Holy Scripture to know and understand God when He makes a promise. For He helps and brings support even with the actual realization of His promise and when it is fulfilled; but before this He disciplines faith in the promise by means of a lack of the things of which we are in need. He does this in order that we may learn to trust Him and not to tempt Him” (LW 8:201).

What Luther Says about Debating with Satan when Alone

Read what Martin Luther says about debating with Satan when alone from volume 54 of Luther's works.

What Luther Says about the Spiritual Estate

Read what Martin Luther said about the Spiritual Estate in Luther's Works, volume 46.

What Luther Says about the Death of God

Read what Martin Luther said about the death of God in Luther's Works, volume 41.

What Luther Says about How Sins Are Forgiven

Read what Martin Luther says about how sins are forgiven in Luther's Works, volume 30.

What Luther Says About True Worship

Read what Martin Luther said about true worship in volume 12 of Luther's Works.

Luther on the Forgiveness of Sins on Earth

The following excerpt is from a sermon Luther preached in 1524 and was selected as the conclusion for a sermon on Matthew 9:1–8, the Gospel reading for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Here Luther discusses “The Power to Forgive Sins on Earth.” 

Three of the Best Commentaries on the Book of Daniel

This twelve-chapter book has profoundly influenced how Christians understand prophecies concerning Christ through the rest of the Bible. And its practical message of remaining faithful to God despite the surrounding culture is powerfully relevant for us today.

Luther on Prayer for the Dead and Communication with Spirits

The following excerpt from Luther’s 1522 sermon for the First Sunday after Trinity provides the reformer’s commentary on prayer for the dead and communication with spirits. 

Martin Luther on the New Birth from Water and the Spirit in Baptism

The following excerpt from Luther’s 1526 Trinity Sunday sermon provides the reformer’s commentary on the new birth Christians receive through water and the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.

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