Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Ephesians: An Overview

The mountain chains of western Asia Minor reach for the Aegean Sea. Where the Ayden range points finger-like toward the island of Samos and the Cayster River flows into the Sea, Ionian Greek colonists founded the prosperous port city of Ephesus (near modern Selcuk).

Matthias Flacius and His Contributions to Protestant Teachings

This blog post is adapted from Life Under the Cross: A Biography of the Reformer Matthias Flacius Illyricus.

Galatians: An Overview

The Taurus Mountains of south central Asia Minor form the southern rim of a great basin in which one finds the central Anatolian steppe. Grass, shrubs, and salty lakes fill this dry, lower ground over which enterprising Greeks passed in search of Persian riches to the east. Greek (Hellenistic) settlements grew up at Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe alongside the Taurus Mountains.

The Gospel Assumed Is the Gospel Denied

This blog is excerpted from an article by Herbet C. Mueller Jr., published in a previous edition of Concordia Pulpit Resources.

2 Corinthians: An Overview

The surpassing value of 2 Corinthians is the opportunity it gives us to view the great care—through both Law and Gospel—that Paul and his colleagues provided to a wayward congregation. We read about the sharpness of his rebuke by which he prodded the congregation toward repentance and the soothing comfort he poured out to them as they welcomed the Lord’s Word.

What the Old Testament Teaches About Vocation

There are plenty of places in the Bible to turn to when you need guidance. While the New Testament is filled with Christ’s parables that offer strong advice, the Old Testament is also brimming with narratives that can help guide you in life. With kings, queens, and workers all throughout these books of the Bible, you can find vocational life advice. Read below to see how with an excerpt adapted from Faith at Work: Christian Vocation in the Professions

1 Corinthians: An Overview

Waves of the Aegean Sea lap the north shore of the Saronic Gulf in southeastern Greece. From Athens on the east end of the gulf to Cenchreae on the west, the apostle Paul had a 65-mile journey by sea or coastal road, which brought him to the Isthmus of Corinth, that low-lying neck of land that joins Attica (northeast) to the Peloponnese (southwest). High hills and cliffs line the route. But from Cenchreae to Corinth the ground is low enough that ancient merchants could draw their ships overland to the Gulf of Corinth, making that city rich from traders moving east and west. Corinth was a cosmopolitan city that attracted Asians, North Africans, and Westerners to its crowded markets. Along with their trade goods, they supplied a wealth of ideas to the wisdom-hungry Greeks.

The Book of Acts: An Overview

“The word of God increased,”—three times in the Book of Acts Luke uses this sentence to sum up a period of the history of the Early Church (6:7; 12:24; 19:20). These words are a telling expression of the biblical conception of the divine Word. Our Lord Himself compared the Word with a seed that is sown and sprouts and grows: “The seed is the word of God” (Lk 8:11; cf Col 1:6; 1Pt 1:23). The Word of the Lord is powerful and active; it “prevails mightily,” as Luke puts it in Ac 19:20. 

The Book of Romans: An Overview

Stepping from the shadows of the Ausoni Mountains, walking northward along the famous Appian Way, the apostle Paul reached the coastal plains of Italy that stretched all the way to Rome. Some five years earlier, Paul had expected to see the empire’s capital and preach the Gospel there (Acts 19:21). Now drawing near the city and under guard, news of his arrival preceded him. Members of the church at Rome came more than 40 miles to greet him and escort him into the imperial city (28:11–16). They knew the apostle not merely by reputation but also by his most famous letter, penned on their behalf: the Book of Romans.

The Gospel Accounts: An Overview

Jesus Christ brought the Gospel (from older English, “Good-spel,” “good news”) to the world. He announced that in His person the kingdom of God was coming to mankind and that through faith in Him people might find new and eternal life. He was Himself the Good News, or Gospel.

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