Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

A Closer Look at Using Walking Together at Your Church

Discipleship is not meant to be done alone. Walking Together: Simple Steps for Discipleship by author Pastor Ted Doering is a Bible study intended for a group setting and written to inspire readers to live out discipleship in their communities. So, what does it really look like to incorporate this resource in your church’s Bible study calendar?

Crossing Cultural Boundaries with the Apostles’ Creed

Our missionaries are incredibly important in spreading the Gospel truth to the world, especially in places where Christianity is uncommon. These called workers of Christ are diligent in sharing their personal faith and the beauty of the Gospels with those who don’t know Him. Emily Belvery, author of Together We Believe: A Study of the Apostles’ Creed, shares her experience in the mission field using the Apostles’ Creed to bring the most basic confession of faith to those who needed clear and concise answers about Christianity.

The Dangers of Pride and Distraction in Social Media

The following is an excerpt from Redeeming Technology by A. Trevor Sutton and Brian Smith MD. Social Media has become increasingly prevalent across age groups. Although it does bring some benefits in terms of connection, social media can also be a breeding ground for discontentment, pride, and distraction.

Four Rs of an Ordinary Life

This post is adapted from Callings for Life: God’s Plan, Your Purpose written by Jeffrey Leininger.

Stop and think about your callings—do you know what they are? Discover four practical takeaways to apply your callings in all aspects of your life.

Longing for Community? Find It Here

This post is excerpted from Connected to Christ: Overcoming Isolation through Community by Brian Davies. Read below to see how you can find community in Christ’s Church.

The Art of Listening and Speaking

This post is an adapted excerpt from Speaking Boldly: Sharing God's Word Every Day by Edward O. Grimenstein.

We Christians must always be willing to take the time to listen to one another. Then, and only then, is it possible for us to make a proper “diagnosis.” Even though preaching is a primary, trusted means of hearing the Law and Gospel proclaimed every week, it is not the only way. Every day at home, parents have a chance to listen and ultimately speak Law and Gospel with their children (and sometimes vice versa). Every day in school, children have numerous opportunities to listen to one another. Every day at work, adults interact with co-workers in the office. Every day in the community, people interact with their neighbors at the grocery store, across the street, in the bank, in the library, or wherever we find ourselves.

5 Ways God Works Through Your Local Congregation

The congregation—the place where God is present through Word and Sacrament ministry—is where Christ comes to His people. But worship is not the only way in which God works through the local congregation.

Working with Difficult Emotions in Caregiving

This post is adapted from Kim Marxhausen’s newest book, Weary Joy.

A Message for New Parents

Congratulations and welcome to the oldest club in history. Many have traveled this road of parenthood before you, but your experience will be your very own, unique and wonderful, just as you and your child are unique and wonderful gifts of God. Being a parent is an exciting, joyful, fun, exhausting, twenty-four-hour-a-day, bewildering, delightful, incredibly awesome responsibility.

Free Father's Day Activities for Children's Ministry

Father's Day is fast approaching! Use these ideas to celebrate the dads, granddads, and other male role models in your church.

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