Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Moms, Can You Laugh at the Future?

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." (Proverbs 31:25)

3 Ways to Prepare for Christmas Visitors at Your Church

As your church prepares for a likely influx of visitors during the Christmas season, now is a great time to refresh everyone on ways to welcome new faces. Here are a few ideas to help your church create a welcoming environment during this busy season.

How to Witness to Children

How do you share the Gospel with children? With preparation, practice, and most importantly, the power of the Holy Spirit, you can tell children about Jesus’ love for them. While there are many ways to share the Gospel, the message remains the same! Here are some ideas for speaking the Gospel and sharing God’s love in Christ Jesus.

How to Celebrate Faith Milestones at Your Church

It’s time to celebrate! The Church is definitely familiar with celebrations; the Church Year, in fact, is a calendar full of days in which we thank God for all He’s done.

Since we’re so accustomed to celebrate and praise God for His gifts, we can continue this celebration and commemoration into the lives of God’s people to remind members of God’s love and care for them. Take time to thank our Lord for His love in the lives of His people! As a congregation finds milestones to celebrate in the Christian life, members build stronger relationships with one another.

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