"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." (Proverbs 31:25)
There was a time when my clothing didn't look very dignified to others. With a toddler and newborn in tow, spit up often adorned my shirt, and there were times I couldn't even remember the last time I showered. No Ann Taylor suits here. But strength and dignity were there. I was pouring my life into raising human beings, after all.
God Looks at Our Hearts, Not Our Appearances
Sometimes we're so busy caring for others that we forget to care for ourselves. But God has not forgotten us. Regardless of our outward appearance, or how we feel, we can know that it's because of who we are in Christ that we are clothed in strength and dignity. It's because of His righteousness and not our own works that God saves us, and calls us His children.
God Knows Our Futures
As we watch our children grow older, and we diligently work to help them grow in faith, we can laugh at the future. Even when our kids don't seem to be listening, or we experience the searing pain of loss or empty nesting, we can still laugh at the future. He holds the future in His hands. He has gone before us. And He has it under control.
Thank you, mothers, for sharing the Gospel every day. The happiest of all Mother's Days to you.
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