The Family that Quarantines Together

Today, I competed in a noon ping-pong tournament in my pajamas while eating leftover pizza. I went on walks with three of my four kids. I ran the dishwasher twice. Our day also included Zoom Wars—the dreaded competitions when more than one kid has an online meeting.

Like you, COVID-19 has brought a weird new normal to our home. It’s also brought lots of idle time—and bored kids are fighting kids. I just broke up an argument that was headed for a Cain and Abel situation over the remote.

Vocation Starts at Home

Note: this article was written for the fall edition of Lutheran Life. It was written before COVID-19 was a worry for the world. As we are now in this new time of social distancing, working from home, and canceled events, consider how you live out your vocations under your own roof.


As you consider your vocations, it’s appropriate to start with where you live—right in your very living room. Take a moment to consider whom you live with. Perhaps a spouse, child, parent, or friend. What are practical ways you can love and serve those under the same roof?

Vocational work at home means recognizing the role you play in your family unit. Your very presence in this home holds the potential for you to carry out the good works God has prepared for you to do right here.

A Message for New Parents

Congratulations and welcome to the oldest club in history. Many have traveled this road of parenthood before you, but your experience will be your very own, unique and wonderful, just as you and your child are unique and wonderful gifts of God. Being a parent is an exciting, joyful, fun, exhausting, twenty-four-hour-a-day, bewildering, delightful, incredibly awesome responsibility.

Keeping Score

Our kids, like most kids, enjoy a healthy dose of competition in their everyday life. Races to be the first one finished with dinner or the first one in pajamas occur often, followed by our four-year-old son saying something to the effect of “Actually, the last one in pajamas wins,” grasping for some sort of victory.

Teaching the Faith at Home: A Worthy Mess

April showers have brought a big muddy mess to our backyard. Every time a child or the dog goes out to play, a ritual of foot washing commences with each re-entry to the house.

Spring Break Activities to Deepen Your Family’s Faith

Spring is just around the corner, and with it, spring break! This week can be a restful time and help your family “spring” into the next season.

Fathers are Leaders, not Coaches

In her book Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need, physician Meg Meeker says, “A father is not a coach. A Father is a leader.”

Dad’s Voice

As a father, have you ever had that moment when in the midst of disciplining your kids you have an almost out of body experience listening to the sound of your own voice?

Moms, Can You Laugh at the Future?

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." (Proverbs 31:25)

How to Celebrate Baptism Birthdays

Children love to celebrate Jesus’ birthday at Christmas. And they love to celebrate their birthdays, the day they were physically born. Equally important is helping them treasure their Baptism birthdays, the day they were spiritually born as God’s children, and reminding them of all the blessings they receive from being in His family. Here are twelve traditions you can start with that goal in mind.

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