Father's Day is fast approaching! Use these ideas to celebrate the dads, granddads, and other male role models in your church.
Popsicle-Stick Flingers
Materials: Five popsicle sticks or tongue depressors for each person.
Description: Demonstrate how to make the flinger using this short video.
No glue or tape is needed; tension holds the sticks together. They are designed to fall apart when they hit something solid. Once students know how to create them, you can have contests for distance or accuracy, or designate targets (like baskets, bins, trash cans, or trees) so students can try their aim.
Application: The joy of the Lord (just for the fun of it!); following a plan in creating something.
Spoon and String Relay
Materials: A tablespoon and ball of string for each team.
Description: Prepare for this activity ahead of time by tying string to the neck of the spoon, one for each team. Have team members line up shoulder to shoulder. Explain that the object is for team members to pass the spoon through their clothes to the last player and then back again in the shortest amount of time.
They are to do this by alternating up and down from player to player. That is, the first player must pass the spoon up through his pant leg, up through his shirt and out the neck or sleeve. The next player must pass the spoon through her sleeve or neck down and out her pant leg. The next player must then run the spoon up and out, and so on, alternating between players. When the last person passes it either up or down through his clothes, the process is reversed until the spoon returns so the starting point. The first team to return the spoon totally out of everyone's clothes is the winner. If the string becomes detached from the spoon at any time, it must be reattached before continuing.
Application: Encouraging each other in Christ; cooperation as part of the body. Comment that God unites us through the saving faith in Jesus that God's people share.
Dad Questions
Materials: Dads, question sheets
Description: Give kids an opportunity to hear what it's like to be a dad and ask questions about fatherhood. Have them use the phrases below to interview a dad, and allow the kids to generate their own phrases or to ask their own questions.
- I have (number) of kid(s) and their age(s) are . . .
- The thing I most enjoy about being a dad is . . .
- One struggle I have in trying to be a good dad is . . .
- When my kids do something wrong, I usually correct them by . . .
- When my kids do good things, I reward them by . . .
- One thing that's scary about being a dad is . . .
- One of my favorite memories of my dad is . . .
- One thing we like to do as a family is . . .
- God is important to our family because . . .
Variations: Add or subtract to the list of questions, depending on who you have as a sharing dad. You can also adapt these question for use by moms, grandpas, and grandmas.
Application: Honoring your father; God as our father. Comment that although all earthly fathers are sinners and at times disappoint their children, each of us has a Father in heaven, who loves and cares for us better than anyone else. He made each of us unique and sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior.
Psalm 103:13 or I Love Dad Coloring Page Puzzle Craft
- Heavy paper or cardstock
- Coloring sheet and puzzle patterns
- Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
- Scissors
- Resealable sandwich bags
- Make a copy of the Psalm 103:13 or I Love Dad coloring sheet for each child. Copy puzzle template on reverse side.
- Have children decorate the coloring sheet and puzzle pieces with crayons, colored pencils, or markers. Add child's name and date.
- After decorating, cut along puzzle piece lines to create puzzle pieces. Store puzzle in resealable sandwich bag.
Simply Delicious Bow-tie Craft
- Resealable sandwich bags
- Poster board or heavy paper
- Bow-tie pattern
- Ribbon
- Candy
- Make copies of bow-tie pattern and cut out.
- Give a bow tie to each child. Have children draw a picture or write a message on the bow tie. Add child’s name and date.
- Place candy into a resealable sandwich bag. Fill no more than half full.
- Place sealed sandwich bag on bow tie. Pinch the middle of the bag and spread the candy to cover the bow-tie pattern.
- Tape or staple edges of bag to top, bottom and sides of bow tie. Either tie or wrap center with ribbon. To wrap, tape one end of the ribbon on the center back of the bow tie. Wind ribbon around the center of the bow tie a few times and tape edge on back.
“My Dad Rocks” Paperweight
What You'll Need:
- A rock
- Water and a towel
- Acrylic paint in various colors
- Paintbrush
- Paper plate
- Permanent marker
- Select a rock that is heavy enough to hold down papers.
- Wash the rock and dry it off.
- Put the rock on a paper plate.
- Squirt various paint colors onto the plate, and mix paints to create different colors.
- Paint the rock using your new colors.
- When the paint is dry, use a permanent marker to write a Father’s Day message, such as “My Dad Rocks” or “I love you, Dad.”
You can also write a Bible verse such as Proverbs 14:26, “In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge,” or Psalm 103:13, “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.”
Children can give this rock to their father! It will bring a smile to his face every time he looks at it.
Magnetic Photo Puzzle
What You'll Need:
- Jumbo craft sticks
- Glue
- Tape
- Photo of child
- Craft knife
- Magnetic strips
- Lay 8–9 jumbo craft sticks side by side. Make sure the ends are even and your photo fits on the sticks!
- Tape the sticks together with two strips of tape.
- Flip the craft sticks over so that the tape is on the back side.
- Glue the photo to the front of the craft sticks. Be sure to have glue on the edges of each individual stick so that the photo stays stuck!
- Put something heavy, like a book, over the photo while it dries.
When the glue is dry, peel off the tape from the back. - Have an adult use a craft knife to cut through the photo to separate each craft stick.
- Cut the magnetic strip into small pieces. Glue a piece on the back of each craft stick.
- Give the photo puzzle to your father! He can move the pieces of the picture around like a puzzle and display it on a magnetic surface.
You can find more ideas in DADventures: Activities for Dads to Lead.