As we commemorate Ruth today, we read an excerpt from Ruth: More Than a Love Story about Ruth’s devotion to Naomi and her faith in God.
As we remember the presentation of the Augsburg Confession, we read about what the reformers confessed the church to be—or rather who she is, and who is her head. Our devotion is from Augsburg Today: This We Believe, Teach and Confess.
We remember eighth-century bishop Boniface by reading a biographical devotion about him from The Church of the Middle Ages.
We read an excerpt from A History of Western Christianity as we commemorate Constantine and his mother, Helena, today.
We honor Walther today by reading a biographical devotion from Servant of the Word and reading a poem Walther wrote about Jesus’ work for us on the cross.
Before Friedrich Wyneken was the second president of the LCMS, he was a missionary pastor from Germany who came to the New World to care for Christian immigrants. We remember him today by reading about his decision to come to the New World, as printed in A Century of Grace.
Today’s devotion details how Johann Walter’s work influenced the involvement of the congregation in the worship service. The poem below also was written by Walter. These excerpts are from Music in Early Lutheranism.
Our devotion for eleventh century theologian Anselm comes from Saints and Angels All Around.
Our devotional reading was originally printed in The Church from Age to Age, and the hymn text is attributed to St. Patrick.
Our remembrance for Philip Melanchthon today prompts us to read a biographical devotion about him from The Lutheran Difference, Reformation Anniversary Edition.