Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos | Church Year Commemoration

Our devotional reading comes from a lesson in LifeLight: Acts, Part 2—Leaders Guide.

Devotion on Acts 16 for the Commemoration of Silas

We remember Silas today by reading a devotional excerpt from To the Ends of the Earth: A Journey through Acts.

Reading for the Commemoration of John Chrysostom, Preacher

Our devotional reading is an excerpt from one of John Chrysostom’s own works, as printed in A Year with the Church Fathers.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Sarah

On the commemoration of Sarah today, we read a text adapted from Great Women of the Bible, Vol. 1.

Katharina von Bora Luther | Church Year Commemoration

Our devotion for today’s commemoration comes from The Mother of the Reformation: The Amazing Life and Story of Katharine Luther.

Reading for the Commemoration of Adam and Eve

As we commemorate Adam and Eve today, we read about creation in an excerpt from In the Beginning, God: Creation from God’s Perspective.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Nicholas of Myra, Pastor

For today’s commemoration, we read about the life of Nicholas in an excerpt from Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend.

Reading for the Commemoration of Noah

As we remember the godly man Noah, we read about the flood story in an excerpt from The Flood.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Clement of Rome, Pastor

Our devotional reading as we commemorate Clement of Rome comes from A Year with the Church Fathers.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Martin of Tours, Pastor

Our commemoration today is for the fourth-century bishop Martin of Tours, and we read about him in an excerpt from Celebrating the Saints.

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