What do you do when your marriage has failed to make you happy?

What do you do when your marriage has failed to make you happy?

In marriage there are moments of unhappiness—the sharp tongue of the moment, the inability to come to a rational conclusion together, the challenge to communicate so many life details as someone rushes off to work.

Devotion for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Today’s devotional reading discusses servant leadership and comes from Servant Leadership: Setting Leaders Free.

Patrick, Missionary to Ireland | Church Year Commemoration

Our devotional reading was originally printed in The Church from Age to Age, and the hymn text is attributed to St. Patrick.

Why I Love the Psalms

I love the Psalms.

When my heart is heavy, when my spirit is light, when I don’t know what in the world God is doing in my life, I turn to the Psalms.

5 Ways to Keep God at the Center of Your Weight Loss

I yelled at God.

Devotion for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Our devotion, from Moses and the Bronze Snake: Arch Books, focuses on this Sunday’s Old Testament Reading.

Devotion for the Third Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Today’s devotion focuses on the Gospel of the day and is from Portals of Prayer.

Devotion for the Second Sunday in Lent (Year B)

We focus on the Epistle today with an excerpt from Reading Romans with Luther.

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Job

Read the Book of Job with these free study helps. You’ll find comfort in God’s message of grace, knowing that He has not turned against you, nor is He punishing you for your sins. Cling to your Redeemer—He will sustain you in the midst of suffering.

Remembering God's Promises for You

This past weekend, I had my first snow day as a teacher. It was one that we were all highly anticipating after hearing the menacing forecast of eight to twelve inches of snow. Sure enough, the night before the expected snowstorm, we received a phone call canceling school, giving us a long weekend.

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