When we look at research, it usually feels like an overwhelming mass of information. Recently, Barna came out with a new body of research on Generation Z, people who were born between 1999 and 2015. I looked at the research, and my first thought was, “There are over a hundred pages here!”
Each evening after dinner, our whole family would clear the dishes and gather again at the table for family devotions.
This Sunday, we read about God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Our devotional text comes from Luther’s Works, Volume 4 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 21–25).
Each generation brings with it new challenges and opportunities for ministry, and Gen Z is no different. The Barna research group just released a report on this next generation, those born between roughly 1999 and 2015. That would make them, pretty much at this point, the age of every child in our preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools right now, with a few outliers on either end (ages 2–20). In other words, this group is a pretty big deal for the future.
Our remembrance for Philip Melanchthon today prompts us to read a biographical devotion about him from The Lutheran Difference, Reformation Anniversary Edition.
Since 1977, athletes from around the world have gathered for a series of contests. The contestants face grueling events that challenge their minds and bodies-torturous events like the giant log lift, the carry and drag, the air plane pull, the pillars of Hercules, and the atlas stones.
As we enter the season of Lent, we read a devotion from Sacred Head, Now Wounded: Resources for Lent–Easter Preaching and Worship.
When I was nineteen years old, I went on spring break from my small Christian liberal arts college, cut off my wildly curly hair to a quarter inch from my head, and swore off dating forever. I was done with a capital D.
Our devotional reading comes from a lesson in LifeLight: Acts, Part 2—Leaders Guide.
The Arch Book Jesus Shows His Glory provides our devotional reading today as we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord.