Devotion on Acts 16 for the Commemoration of Silas

We remember Silas today by reading a devotional excerpt from To the Ends of the Earth: A Journey through Acts.

How to Stay Motivated to Read Your Bible

In seasons when your faith feels like a smoldering ember rather than a fully stoked bonfire, it is easy to feel indifferent about your personal Bible study time. How can you stay motivated to read your Bible when that’s the last thing you want to do? Read this post and download one of our free reading guides to get a jump start on your reading this year.

Devotion for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (Year B)

Our devotional text comes from The Church at Corinth and focuses on today’s Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:16–27.

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Mark

Mark, the writer of the Gospel book by the same name, used the word immediately to highlight the power behind Jesus’ many miracles and to  show the fickle excitement of the crowds who would later turn against Him. As you read this Gospel, you’ll be reminded that Jesus is God’s Son, our only Savior.

Devotion for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (Year B)

The Gospel of the day is our focus, and our devotional text comes from The Big Book of New Testament Questions and Answers.

Reading for the Commemoration of John Chrysostom, Preacher

Our devotional reading is an excerpt from one of John Chrysostom’s own works, as printed in A Year with the Church Fathers.

Reading for the Feast of St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor

We remember St. Titus today by reading a biographical excerpt from Introduction to the Books of the Bible.

Devotion for the Conversion of St. Paul

On this day when we celebrate the Conversion of St. Paul, we read a portion of Lutheran Bible Companion, Volume 2.

Reading for the Feast of St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor

As part of our remembrance for Timothy today, let us read a devotion about him adapted from Men and Women of the Word: 45 Meditations on Biblical Heroes.

Reasons to Send Your Kid to a Lutheran School

A few years ago, I wrote this blog about why our family loves Lutheran schools. Every year, this post circulates among Lutheran educators and parents. I’m so glad for those of you who also love your Lutheran school.

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