A few weeks ago, my first grader brought home a little book he had made in school. He was zealous to show it to me, reading the text for me himself as he turned the pages. It was filled with affirmation, but it was unique in that the text focused on growing rather than achieving.
Our devotion for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany focuses on the reading from Jonah and comes from LifeLight: Obadiah/Jonah/Micah—Leaders Guide.
On the commemoration of Sarah today, we read a text adapted from Great Women of the Bible, Vol. 1.
On today’s feast day, we focus on the Acts reading with a devotion from LifeLight: Acts, Part 1—Leaders Guide.
Our devotion today focuses on the Old Testament Reading and comes from Concordia Commentary: 1 Samuel.
Today’s devotion focuses on the Gospel of the day and comes from Lutheranism 101: Holy Baptism.
As a child, family devotions were a highlight of each day. We gathered after dinner for this short yet amazing family time together. Sometimes us kids even got to lead them. One night, it was my little brother’s turn. He was only three. Watching the rest of us as examples to follow with object lesson ideas, he wanted to do something too. We all watched as he brought out crayons and other interesting supplies. After handing everything out to us while we tried to hide our giggles, he finally sat down and folded his hands. Out of his mouth came three little but very powerful words: “God is love.” That was it. That was the whole devotion. Best devotion we ever had. That little brother is now in his fifties. We still remember his message from God to our family even to this day.
One of the things I love about hearing from readers is learning the many ways you’re all using The Messengers series. Classrooms, family settings, youth groups, book clubs . . . the list goes on. And the list overlaps! For example, some classrooms use Discovered or (and?) Concealed in a book club unit. Several schools have book clubs after school. Some have summer book clubs for their youth. So you’re probably seeing the pattern for today . . . book clubs! Whether it’s with your school, your church, or your book club of friends, here are some ideas to help your meeting over Concealed come to life.
Today’s devotion focuses on the Epistle and comes from Concordia Commentary: Galatians.
My husband and I go running a few mornings a week. We don’t go far, but it’s a chance for fresh air and to watch the sunrise before kids and life and work happen for the day.