Devotion for Easter Day (Year B)

Christ is risen! On this glorious day, we read an excerpt from one of Walther’s Easter Day sermons as printed in Gospel Sermons, Volume 1.

Holy Saturday (Year B)

Today’s Old Testament Reading, the account of Daniel and the lions’ den, is our focus. We take our devotion from Portals of Prayer.

Devotion on Isaiah 52:13–53:12 for Good Friday

We return to our Isaiah theme for Good Friday and read a devotion from Gospel Handles: Old Testament Lessons.

Devotion on Mark 14 for Holy Thursday

For this day during Holy Week, we focus on the reading from Mark with an excerpt from Welcome to the Lord’s Table.

Devotion for Wednesday in Holy Week

Our devotion for Wednesday in Holy Week continues our Isaiah theme and comes from God Grant It.

Devotion for Tuesday in Holy Week

Continuing with our Isaiah theme for Holy Week, we take our devotion today from LifeLight: Isaiah, Part 2—Leaders Guide.

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Hebrews

The Book of Hebrews focuses on Jesus’ fulfillment of and superiority to every institution in the Old Testament. Use this overview and download free study questions to guide your reading.

Devotion for Monday in Holy Week

During Holy Week, most of our devotions will focus on the readings from Isaiah. Our devotion today is from Concordia Commentary: Isaiah 40–55.

Devotional Reading on Zechariah for Palm Sunday (Year B)

As we move through Holy Week, most of our devotions will focus on the Old Testament Readings. For Palm Sunday, we focus on the reading from Zechariah with an excerpt from LifeLight: Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi—Leaders Guide.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

"God gave you a special gift. You are so good with those kids." I cringed. She meant well; she was actually trying to support me, compliment me, but the comment ran through my spine and I forced an awkward smile. I did not say anything; I needed a moment to myself before I spoke to my friend again.

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