The Life and Legacy of Isaac Watts

[Historically, in church music] Lutherans sang hymns from the beginnings of the Reformation. Calvinists, though, in their zeal to use nothing but the Bible in worship, tended to restrict their singing to biblical psalms. Though they might have chanted them—a musical style that makes possible the singing of prose just as it is written without alteration, straight from the Bible—instead they made metrical translations, complete with regular rhythms and rhymes. In practice, these metrical psalms were closer in some ways to vernacular hymns than to the text of the Bible. Such psalm singing is still the practice in some conservative Reformed churches today, and it was the norm for early English Protestantism. Then came Isaac Watts

Noteworthy People in Church Music: Johann Walter

There are numerous historical figures who gave their gifts to Lutheranism and hymnody as a whole. Their contributions to Christianity give us amazing ways to praise God and all that He has given us. One who stands out is Johann Walter, who published the first collection of Lutheran choral music. Read more about his work with Martin Luther, hymn publication, and three hymns that appeared in his book of choral music with an excerpt from Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns below.

Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnal

Beloved Lutheran hymnals have a long history, dating all the way back to 1524 in Germany. Each variation has been used for different purposes, such as a home devotional that eventually led to a worship hymnal. Learn more about the beauty of Lutheran hymnals from the very first edition to Lutheran Service Book today with this excerpt from Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns.

Top Children’s Hymns for Christmas

It’s that time of year: the weather has gotten colder, the lights have gone up, and the Christmas music has been playing for some time now. It’s a season of celebration, especially the celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior come to earth. At this point, your children or students are antsy for the festivities to begin and to open their presents. But before that, take this time to remind them of the greatest gift we have ever received, the gift of God’s Son, born for us. Here are our top children’s hymns for Christmas from One and All Rejoice to encourage the children in your life in their worship of Jesus.

The Stories behind Your Favorite Reformation Hymns

Why have certain hymns grown to be synonymous with the Reformation? With these excerpts from Eternal Anthems and Companion to the Hymns, you’re invited to journey through the contexts of some of these Reformation favorites. 

Vespers and Evening Hymns

The historic church used to partake in a set of daily services called the Daily Office. This kept people connected to God and in community with His Word throughout their working lives. While most churches do not observe these Daily Offices today, we still retain their settings, and they are certainly beneficial to incorporate into the life of the church, devotions with family, or other settings. Today, we look at the order of Vespers and some appropriate hymns to accompany it. The following has been adapted from Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Services and Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns

Music of the Month: Inviting Them to Sing

Hymn introductions provide an opportunity to invite the congregation to lift up its voice. They needn’t be long or complicated in order to be engaging. This resource provides 60 introductions and an extended preface that provides tools and suggestions for the average church musician to craft his or her own introductions. These introductions are extremely useful, covering 117 hymns in Lutheran Service Book.

The Story that Inspired “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”

Pentecost hymns have been passed down for generations. Many of them have intricate and interesting histories to them, including that of “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord” found in Lutheran Service Book as hymn 497. Read this excerpt from Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns and Eternal Anthems: The Story Behind Your Favorite Hymns, Volume 1 to learn about one of Martin Luther’s Pentecost hymns and its origins. 

The Stories Behind Your Favorite Easter Hymns

Easter hymns are beautiful celebrations of the victory Jesus won on the cross and in His glorious resurrection for our salvation. Alleluia! They are filled with bright notes and triumphant musical lines to bring all His people together in rejoicing. There are many beloved Easter hymns that are yearly staples in the worship service. Read about three favorites and their hymn histories below to rejoice with generations of Christians before you who sang these same words.

Five Lutheran Hymns of Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach is a well-known name throughout the world. Whether you are a music fanatic or not, chances are you have been touched by Bach’s music without even knowing it.

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