7 Ways to Pray for Parents at Your Church

Some parents may not realize the importance of teaching the faith at home. Here are some simple ways to support these families through prayer.

Luther's Evening Prayer Poster

This prayer has been well loved by the church for years. Luther’s words accompany many of us each night as we talk with God. As Lutherans, we learn this prayer in childhood.

Luther's Morning Prayer Poster Download

Luther's morning prayer has been well loved by the church for years. Luther’s words accompany many of us each morning as we talk with God.

Men Who Pray (and the Women Who Love Them)

I spend a lot of time with women. It’s my vocation, my mission, and it gives me great joy. I am blessed to spend time hearing the stories of women, sharing in their sorrows, and encouraging them in their walk. But wait, this is an article about men. True statement.

Pray for Me

“[The word amen] is nothing else than the word of undoubting faith, which does not pray on a dare but knows that God does not lie to him. . . . For He has promised to grant it.”  (Large Catechism, Part 3, Last Petition).

Prayers and Hymns for Families

We put together a list of prayers to be used for families, mothers, and fathers. God Himself chose these human relationships to describe the depth of His love for His people. Even God’s great plan of salvation is expressed not in individual terms but according to the ancient promise to Abraham: “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3, emphasis added). Whether families are big or small, rejoicing or mourning, our Father embraces the cares of His children.

Christmas Midnight Prayer

Prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ with these Christmas midnight prayers.

A Prayer for Patriot Day

On this National Day of Service and Remembrance, we give thanks for our first responders and volunteer chaplains who serve and support during times of crisis.

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