Praying in the Name of Jesus

One of the blessings of being a professional church worker is the kindness and generosity I have received from other church workers and members of the congregations I have served. I have had access to various opportunities merely because I’ve gotten to know people throughout the course of my study and service. For example, while I was an undergraduate, I secured a summer job because my pastor knew the owner of the company. I obtained a discount on three different cars because the party selling the car knew I was a church worker with limited resources. It really is who you know. Or perhaps who knows you.

How Your Church Can Show Hospitality

Every winter, my church works with a local charity and other houses of worship to host a hypothermia shelter. One week a year, each church welcomes a group of our unhoused neighbors into their building, giving them dinner, a warm place to sleep overnight, and breakfast. From November to March, the houses of worship in our community supplement the country’s overflowing permanent shelters, one week and one church at a time.

Prayer: A Gift Fit for God’s Children

What is the difference between believers and unbelievers in God’s eyes? The Father created us in His image, and Jesus carried the sins of every one of us, both believers and unbelievers, fully satisfying God’s wrath against all of us through His suffering, death, and resurrection. The difference lies in the work of the Holy Spirit, creating and sustaining saving faith in Jesus Christ for believers.

When and How Should We Pray?

When our Lord breathed His last and died on the cross, the curtain in the temple of Jerusalem tore in two from top to bottom. This event signified that the barrier of sin that separated sinners from God was now open. Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, had succeeded in redeeming the entire world through His shedding of blood and death on the cross. Now God’s children could pray directly to their Heavenly Father through faith in the Son. Jesus expresses this as He meets with His disciples before going to His passion. “In that day you will ask nothing of Me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give it to you” (John 16: 23).

3 Prayers for Grief

For those experiencing grief, sometimes the sting of loss can be amplified by the rest of the world happily going on about its business. Taken from My Prayer Book, these grief prayers are a helpful resource for those wondering how to pray for comfort while grieving. 

3 Prayers for Pastor Appreciation Month

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Pastors do so much beyond what we see on Sunday mornings— they visit the sick and dying, provide counseling, and are leaders for church or school staff, for example. Take a moment to give thanks for your pastor and pray for his ministry.

Prioritizing Daily Prayer Habits

The idea of prayer is mainstream—from movie references to gift shop baubles, the word pray can be found everywhere. As Christians, we know that the Bible tells us that we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18) and that we are to cast all our worries on God, with thanksgiving (see 1 Peter 5:7). We are instructed, and even commanded, many times in Scripture to pray. If you grew up in a Christian household or school, you were most likely guided through prayers at meals and bedtime. When these structures are no longer in place, it can become easy to lose track of the habit and you might find your prayer life slipping. Read on to contemplate on how to invigorate your own prayer life despite the distraction and busyness of life.

An Invitation to Pray The Lord's Prayer: National Day of Prayer

Prayer. This gift from God is a beautiful and blissful reminder that He wants to have a conversation with you about everything in your life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. On the National Day of Prayer, set for the first Thursday of May, we pause and intentionally take time to come together as Christians, folding our hands in prayer for the world, the country, the state, our neighbors, and ourselves. If you don’t know what to pray, God gives all His people an easy prayer already: the Lord’s Prayer. Take time today to go through the introduction, first, second, and third petitions with this excerpt from Minute Messages and lift your voice to heaven with the rest of His beloved creation.

Prayers for Forgiveness to Help You Turn a New Leaf


There’s never a perfect time to turn over a new leaf in life, but as a Christian, it is always necessary to offer forgiveness. We are meant to show God’s love and Christ’s light to all. Yet forgiveness can be difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible in our sinful and broken world. Are you struggling to find the words to forgive others, whether that’s a fussy child, someone you’ve been on bad terms with, or even yourself? Read below for prayers for forgiveness that can help you bring everything to Him in this new phase of your life. 

A Prayer for Memorial Day

Growing up, I never truly understood Memorial Day. My hometown of Holland, Michigan, would host a parade every year. Being part of a high school marching band, I was required to march every year in it—starting downtown, marching through the city, and ending at the cemetery. My band director always had one big rule: when we neared the cemetery, we were to stop playing our instruments.

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