You’ve Got a New Bible. Now What?

The past few months, I’ve been talking about new Bibles. From trying out a devotional Bible to gifting a Bible to someone, we’ve considered why finding the right Bible can enhance your walk with God. Now that maybe you have a new Bible in your hands or you’ve decided you want to continue using your current Bible, it’s time to delve into reading it. A new Bible or renewed vigor for reading the Word of the Lord is an opportunity to reevaluate your Bible-reading habits. But where do you start?

Last Sunday of the Church Year Devotion on Creation

Today, on the Last Sunday of the Church Year, we take our Epistle from Colossians 1:13–20. Our devotional reading comes from The Mighty & The Mysterious by Heidi Goehmann.

Devotional Reading for the Commemoration of Elizabeth of Hungary

Today we celebrate Elizabeth of Hungary, revered for her charity. We commemorate her by reading a brief biography, words from Martin Luther, and a prayer from Treasury of Daily Prayer.

Devotion on Malachi 4:1-6 | Proper 28–Year C

Today we take our Old Testament Reading from Malachi 4:1–6. Our devotional reading comes from Luther’s Works: volume 18, speaking on the Last Day and the kingdom of Christ. 

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Habakkuk

Habakkuk is one of the minor prophet books of the Bible we traditionally gloss over—it’s only three chapters long, and its prophecies are mostly God responding to Habakkuk’s questions about the impending judgment on Judah.

This book, however, speaks greatly of God’s compassion in the midst of waiting. God is just, and He will avenge sins. But we can also be sure of His grace because of the work of Jesus Christ!

Devotion on Exodus 3:1-15 | Proper 27–Year C

Today our Old Testament Reading comes from Exodus 3:1–15. We take our devotional reading from LifeLight Leaders Guide: Exodus, Part 1.

Devotion on Isaiah 1:10-18 | Proper 26–Year C

Our Old Testament Reading for today comes from Isaiah 1:10–18. Our devotional reading is from Reading Isaiah with Luther by Brian L. Kachelmeier, focusing on the last few verses from today’s passage.  

Devotion for Genesis 4:1-5 | Proper 25–Year C

Today we take our Old Testament Reading from Genesis 4:1–15. In our devotional reading today, Luther speaks on the story of Cain and Abel, understanding God’s reasoning behind His reaction to Cain’s and Abel’s offerings to Him, and offering insight into their relationships with their parents, Adam and Eve.

Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, Paul Gerhardt: Hymnwriters

Today, we remember influential hymnwriters Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt. Our devotional reading about Paul Gerhardt is adapted from Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and his Influence on English Hymnody by Theodore Brown Hewitt.

Reading for the Commemoration of Dorcas, Lydia, and Phoebe

Today we celebrate Dorcas (also known as Tabitha), Lydia, and Phoebe, the faithful women of the Bible. Dorcas and Lydia we meet in Acts. Phoebe we learn about in Romans as the woman who delivered Paul’s letters. 

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