Pat Maier is a pastor's wife and former Lutheran educator who lives with her husband in Brighton, Michigan. Pat enjoys writing, drawing, and imagining to inspire others in their walk with Jesus. She is currently involved in planning and presenting at retreats and women's events in the Michigan District, as well as teaching about visual faith. She finds great joy in nature, gardening, and spending time with family.

Recent Posts by Pat Maier

What You Need to Know About Bible Journaling

Bible journaling is a thing right now. Instagram is filled with photos of people strategically placing their margin drawings alongside their coffee cup and a vase of flowers.

Journaling Bible Marginalia | Free Download

We hope you are enjoying journaling while you read your Bible. Here are some more great Bible marginalia from Pat Maier. Enjoy!

Bible Journaling: What Might I Put in the Margins?

Marginalia is the ancient term for any words, markings, or drawings added to the blank spaces around the text on the pages of a book. Bible marginalia is nothing new---monks did it, Bach drew inspiration from it, and my grandmother did it. Many of you are already in the habit of adding notes in your margins!

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