We hope you are enjoying journaling while you read your Bible. Here are some more great Bible marginalia from Pat Maier. Enjoy!
Psalm 46:1
So often I hear rich truths from the Bible in the lyrics of a hymn. "A Mighty Fortress" brings to mind the imagery of several psalms, including Psalm 46.
Psalm 121
Psalm 121 is one of a group of psalms marked as “A Song of Ascents.” Cheerful, hopeful, short, and sweet, these psalms remind me to rest easy knowing that God helps, protects, and keeps me at all times and—as verse 8 promises—going and coming, at the moment and for all time. No need to worry; my God’s got my back and leads the way.
John 8:32 and Ephesians 2:8
Sometimes when you take time to journal in a particular section of Scripture, God brings another verse to mind. As I thought about the truth in His Word that sets me free (John 8:32), the words of Ephesians 2:8 just popped into my head. (Thanks, Lutheran school memory work!) It’s a perfect verse to use as a frame for the Good News of this margin.

Ruth 1:16
Ruth’s words to her mother-in-law and my words to God.

James 1:22
These words come as a response to the Lord’s command in James 1:22. God’s Word in James is so direct and practical—and it often “hits us where it hurts.” This margin is a plea for sincerity and for a heart for active, faithful living.

Isaiah 41:10
There is so much evil, confusion, and godlessness in our world today. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us that we have a personal God, who gives strength for whatever life throws at us. With everything going on in our country and around the world causing concern for all, we can push past fear and focus on the fact in this verse: “I am your God.”