Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Devotion for Luke 14:25-35 | Proper 18–Year C

The Gospel for today is Luke 14:25–35, where Jesus speaks of the cost of discipleship. Our devotional reading comes from Meditations on the Gospels: According to His Word.

Reading for the Commemoration of Moses

Today the Church commemorates the great prophet and deliverer of God’s people, Moses. Our devotional reading comes from Celebrating the Saints.

Devotion on Proverbs 25 | Proper 17–Year C

The Old Testament reading for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost is Proverbs 25:2–10. Our devotional reading comes from A Year in the Old Testament: Meditations for Each Day of the Church Year.

Reading for the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. The martyrdom of John takes place in the sixth chapter of Mark’s Gospel. Our devotion comes from Meditations on the Gospel: According to His Word.

Weary Joy: A Little Care for the Caregiver

This post is an excerpt from Kim Marxhausen’s newest book, Weary Joy.

It seemed as if everything changed at that one particular moment. Dorris was hungry. She got in her little Smart car, the talk of her small Nebraska town, and headed for the local sandwich shop. Perhaps, as she insisted, she got her foot on the wrong pedal, or, as observers noted, she didn’t slow down. Either way, she ran her car right through the front door of the restaurant. Then she got out of the car, walked into the store, and calmly ordered a sandwich.

Devotion on Luke 13:22-30 | Proper 16–Year C

The Gospel for the day comes from Luke 13, where Jesus speaks of the narrow door to heaven. Our devotion comes from Meditations on the Gospels: According to His Word.

Devotion on Luke 12:49–56 | Proper 15–Year C

The Gospel for the day is Luke 12:49–56. Our devotion comes from Meditations on the Gospels: According to His Word.

Devotion on Genesis 15:1-6 | Proper 14–Year C

The Old Testament Reading for the day is Genesis 15:1–6, where God promises Abraham that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars in the heavens. Our devotion comes from Day by Day in Genesis: 365 Devotional Readings from Martin Luther.

Devotion on Ecclesiastes 1:2 | Proper 13–Year C

This Old Testament Reading for the day comes from the first two chapters of Ecclesiastes. Our devotional reading explores verse 2 of chapter 1, and comes from Ecclesiastes, Concordia Commentary.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Robert Barnes

On July 30, the Church commemorates Robert Barnes, Confessor and Martyr. Barnes was a sixteenth-century Protestant born in 1495 in England. Our devotional reading comes from The Protestant Reformation: 1517–1559.

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