Today we take our Old Testament Reading from Genesis 4:1–15. In our devotional reading today, Luther speaks on the story of Cain and Abel, understanding God’s reasoning behind His reaction to Cain’s and Abel’s offerings to Him, and offering insight into their relationships with their parents, Adam and Eve.
Today, we remember influential hymnwriters Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt. Our devotional reading about Paul Gerhardt is adapted from Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and his Influence on English Hymnody by Theodore Brown Hewitt.
Today we celebrate Dorcas (also known as Tabitha), Lydia, and Phoebe, the faithful women of the Bible. Dorcas and Lydia we meet in Acts. Phoebe we learn about in Romans as the woman who delivered Paul’s letters.
The Gospel for today comes from Luke 18:1-8. Our devotional reading today is adapted from the Concordia Commentary Luke 9:51–24:53 by Arthur A. Just Jr.
Today we commemorate Ignatius of Antioch, both a pastor and martyr, who wrote many epistles during his last days. We take our devotional reading today from Reconciliation and Justification by Theodore Dierks.
Today’s Old Testament reading comes from the first chapter of the book of Ruth. The devotion for today is adapted from Ruth: More than a Love Story by Elizabeth Ahlman.
The Epistle for today comes from the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy, where he writes about his suffering and not being ashamed to claim that Christ is his God and redeemer to his friend, Timothy. Our devotional reading is adapted from God’s Word for Today: 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus.
The Gospel reading for today recounts Jesus’ parable of the shrewd manager. Our devotional reading comes from A Year in the New Testament: Meditations for Each Day on the Church Year.
The Epistle reading for today comes from Paul’s first letter to Timothy, where he writes about the proper use of the Law. Our devotional reading comes from A Year in the New Testament: Meditations for Each Day of the Church Year.
Today the Church celebrates Holy Cross Day. The Gospel reading for this feast is John 12:20–33, where Jesus speaks of the cross upon which He will be lifted up. Our devotional reading comes from Meditations on the Gospels: According to His Word.