Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Devotion for Luke 18:9-17 | Proper 25 – Year C

Today's devotional reading comes from the A Year in the New Testament and focuses on the Gospel reading from Luke 18:9–17.

Devotion for the Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist

The devotional reading for the feast of St. Luke, Evangelist comes from Concordia Commentary: Luke 1:1–9:50.

Devotion for Genesis 32:22-30 | Proper 24–Year C

Today’s devotional reading for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost comes from Luther’s Works, Volume 6.

Reading for the Commemoration of Philip the Deacon

Today's devotional reading from Concordia Pulpit Resources reflects on the account of Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, recorded in Acts 8:26–40. 

Devotion for Luke 17:11-19 | Proper 23–Year C

Today's devotional reading comes from the The Christian Year of Grace and focuses on the Gospel reading appointed for today, Luke 17:11-19.

Devotion for Habakkuk 1-2 | Proper 22–Year C

Today's devotional reading for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost comes from Concordia Pulpit Resources.

Reading for the Commemoration of Jerome

Today commemorates Jerome, Translator of Holy Scripture. The devotional reading comes from the Treasury of Daily Prayer.

Celebrating the Saints: the Life of Johann Sebastian Bach

At a time when the world endures the pain and devastation of sin, the music of the church provides a special comfort. The life of Johann Sebastian Bach, a Lutheran composer of renown, comes to mind on this day, the anniversary of his death, as his music shaped generations of Church music around the world.  This special excerpt from Celebrating the Saints on the life of Johann Sebastian Bach includes a brief biography and ends with a prayer asking God's continued blessings from Bach's and other composer's music:

Luther's Evening Prayer Poster

This prayer has been well loved by the church for years. Luther’s words accompany many of us each night as we talk with God. As Lutherans, we learn this prayer in childhood.

Luther's Morning Prayer Poster Download

Luther's morning prayer has been well loved by the church for years. Luther’s words accompany many of us each morning as we talk with God.

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