Our devotional reading for the commemoration of Ambrose of Milan is taken from Savior of the Nations—Advent Preaching & Worship Resource with CD-ROM, focusing on the words of one of his beautiful Advent hymns.
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday in Advent. Our devotional reading for this Second Sunday in Advent comes from A Year with the Church Fathers.
As we begin the first Sunday in a new Church Year, we turn to a devotional reading from God Grant It by C. F. W. Walther.
The devotional reading for Thanksgiving Day comes from a sermon selection found in Concordia Pulpit Resources.
In today’s commemoration of Emperor Justinian, our reading from A Year in the Old Testament highlights the humble ambitions of this ancient Christian ruler as he served as God’s appointed instrument.
The devotional reading for today comes from A Year with the Church Fathers and centers on Jesus’ words recorded in Luke 21.
Today's devotional reading focuses on the Epistle appointed for today and comes from the Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary: Colossians/Thessalonians.
Today's devotional reading comes from Reading the Psalms with Luther, highlighting the comfort for God's people found in the redemptive promises that flow from Psalm 130.
Believe it or not, Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away! In the midst of preparing for the meals and family get-togethers, it’s surprisingly easy to let the day come and go without taking time to pause, reflect, and actually give thanks. This struggle can be magnified for pastors, church administrators, and volunteers who are trying to balance preparations at home with preparations taking place at church!
The devotional reading for the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles, comes from Meditations on the Gospels: According to His Word, where we consider the implications of today's Gospel from John 15.