Devotion for Psalm 130 | Proper 27–Year C

Today's devotional reading comes from Reading the Psalms with Lutherhighlighting the comfort for God's people found in the redemptive promises that flow from Psalm 130.

Scripture Readings

Isaiah 1:10–18
Psalm 130
2 Thessalonians 1:1–12
Luke 19:1–10

Read the propers for today in Lutheran Service Builder.


What a blessing it is to know that the Lord hears our cries for mercy! The reading for today reminds us of this mercy of God and His attentiveness to our prayers. Our scarlet sins have been made white as snow through the blood of Jesus, the One who came to seek and save the lost. 

Devotional Reading

The 130th psalm is a psalm of prayer that comes from the genuine Davidic devotion and understanding. It confesses that before God no one is righteous, nor may one become righteous by his own work and righteousness, but only through grace and forgiveness of sins, which God has promised. The psalmist comforts himself as he relies on this promise and Word. He exhorts all of Israel that they should do the same and learn that with God is a throne of grace and redemption. Through Him alone and no way else shall Israel be freed of sins, that is, “through forgiveness” (without which there is no grace) become righteous and blessed. Apart from this, he truly would be in the depths and would never stand before God.

Look! The true master and doctor of the Holy Scriptures is the one who understands what this means: The seed of the woman shall tread on the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15), and through this seed all the nations of the world shall be blessed (Genesis 12:30). Therefore, the psalmist places both a promise and a prophecy of Christ in this verse: “He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.” Upon this verse, and from it, comes the entire psalm.

Prayer for the Day

God, our Father, who is rich in mercy and with whom is plenteous forgiveness, remember not the sins of our youth, nor our transgressions. Blot them out for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, who became the sacrifice for our
sins. For the sake of His crimson blood let our sins be forgotten, and let them be imputed to us no more. Amen.


Devotional reading and prayer are from Reading the Psalms with Luther, pages 314–16 © 2007 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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