Reflection on “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth”

As the recently arrived Lent spurs Christians to reflect on their mortality and sinfulness, to give up vices, and to contemplate the suffering of Christ, we begin looking forward with great eagerness to Easter. While Lent may be a beautiful and necessary part of the Church Year, the solemnity of this time can sometimes turn discouraging. This year, I have turned to Paul Gerhardt’s text of “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth” (LSB 438) to seek comfort, assurance, and confidence in the hope of the resurrection.

Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger on the Role of the Hymnal in Worship

As a musician, pastor, and liturgy committee member for Lutheran Service Book, Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger has a unique and informed perspective on how music functions in the liturgy. We recently interviewed him to learn about his new book, Lutheranism 101: Worship, and to hear his perspective on incorporating the hymnal into worship and daily prayer.

Reflection on “Alleluia, Song of Gladness”

As I reflect on the end of the Epiphany season and the beginning of Lent, I like to turn to the hymn that transitions us from one to the other on Transfiguration Sunday: “Alleluia, Song of Gladness” (LSB 417). The early Latin text adequately conveys tension between life here on earth and the eternal joy we look forward to in heaven.

Caring for Church Candles

Maintaining the unfaltering light produced by candles adds to the reverent mood of worship services. Here are a few basic guidelines from Cathedral Candle Company for caring for and using your church candles.

Sharing the Gospel through Well-Made Music

This post comes from Luther on Music: Paradigms of Praise.

Understanding the function of music in the church is essential for a church musician. Luther understood music’s primary role as proclaiming the Gospel, not teaching or entertaining—a view that has important implications in our selection and performance of music in the church.

Product of the Month: Enter His Gates with Praise

Our product of the month for January is Enter His Gates with Praise: Eight Organ Preludes for the Church Year. Read about the preludes and the composer, and download a free excerpt to use at your church!

Music as a Teaching Tool

Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to remember the lyrics to that one song you heard on the radio but it’s so hard to remember Luther’s explanation of the Fifth Commandment? That’s because when you put things to music, they’re much easier to memorize.

Twelve Hymns for the Twelve Days of Christmas

Merry Christmas! What a joy to know that the Church’s Christmas song continues through the next eleven days. Enjoy these twelve hymns as you rejoice in the Savior’s birth!

Keeping Special Musicians Engaged after Christmas

It is often at Christmas that church music directors pull out all the stops—and all the special musicians. Special musicians, whether they are singers or instrumentalists, are usually willing to share their talents at this festive time of year. But how can church music directors engage these other musicians all year round?

Singing the O Antiphons during Advent

During the Advent season, churches may set aside time to reflect on the O Antiphons of Advent through worship and song. What are these O Antiphons and how can church musicians incorporate them into the church’s song this Advent season?

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