Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Five Easy-to-Learn Sheet Music Options for Easter

Every spring, Easter comes around in the Church Year as a celebration of the battle Christ has won for believers everywhere. He has conquered the devil, died for your sins, and defeated death by rising to life again! He has won! This joyous occasion is coupled with beautiful music ringing out from every musical ensemble in your church. Need something to play that won’t take much rehearsal time? Try these five different options from the CPH Music Subscription. There’s no waiting to order them—just download, print, and play in minutes.

Top Children’s Hymns for Lent

Lent is a reflective and beautiful time in the Church Year. As we prepare to enter this season, you may notice some children are more familiar with this time as one to “take a break” from something they enjoy. Many choose things such as limiting their phone time. Or, for young adults, less dependency on caffeine. But Lent holds so much more meaning than simply a time of withdrawal from something we desire. It’s filled with rich history, ceremony, and faithful hymns. For a deeper understanding of what this season holds for believers, let’s look to the hymns in One and All Rejoice

Downloadable Sheet Music for Lent


Planning the music for Lenten services can be a monumental task. Not only are there Sunday services but midweek and Holy Week services too. Open up your options with digital music that you can preview, download, and print instantly. These five hand-picked selections are perfect for the Lenten season and Holy Week to share with your church.

Top Children’s Hymns for Christmas

It’s that time of year: the weather has gotten colder, the lights have gone up, and the Christmas music has been playing for some time now. It’s a season of celebration, especially the celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior come to earth. At this point, your children or students are antsy for the festivities to begin and to open their presents. But before that, take this time to remind them of the greatest gift we have ever received, the gift of God’s Son, born for us. Here are our top children’s hymns for Christmas from One and All Rejoice to encourage the children in your life in their worship of Jesus.

Top Children’s Hymns for Advent

The celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is fast approaching, and with it comes an abundance of music. It’s easy to bypass Advent and skip ahead to Christmas. But Advent is a crucial time of reflection inwardly as we prepare for the Prince of Peace and what His birth means for believers. Music is just one of the many ways in which you can share about Jesus and reflect on why Advent is an important part of our Church Year. Here are our top children’s hymns for Advent to add to the mix of music your children or students will hear.

The Stories behind Your Favorite Reformation Hymns

Why have certain hymns grown to be synonymous with the Reformation? With these excerpts from Eternal Anthems and Companion to the Hymns, you’re invited to journey through the contexts of some of these Reformation favorites. 

Vespers and Evening Hymns

The historic church used to partake in a set of daily services called the Daily Office. This kept people connected to God and in community with His Word throughout their working lives. While most churches do not observe these Daily Offices today, we still retain their settings, and they are certainly beneficial to incorporate into the life of the church, devotions with family, or other settings. Today, we look at the order of Vespers and some appropriate hymns to accompany it. The following has been adapted from Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Services and Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns

An Overview of Compline

As you assembled in silence in a church by candlelight or with your family before turning in for the night, you may have prayed the office of Compline. This evening office is reflective and focuses on preparing your soul for the night. Read the following adaptation from the Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Services to discover the rich history of the office of Compline.

What Is a Cantor?

You may have heard someone in your church referred to as a cantor (sometimes spelled “kantor”). You probably know that a cantor works with church music, but what makes a cantor distinct from an organist or director of church music? Carl Schalk provides insight into what a cantor is historically in church tradition and what it means for us today. The following has been adapted from The Cantor in the Lutheran Tradition

The Doxology in Worship

When you hear the word doxology, what comes to your mind? For many, it’s a familiar tune and the words:

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