Creative VBS Fundraiser Ideas

Though Vacation Bible School season has come to an end, it's never too early to start thinking about next summer's VBS. Now is the perfect time to get church members on board with the new theme and think about VBS fundraisers to garner the support and income you need for this important children's ministry. From car washes to bake sales, there are so many fun ways to encourage funding, teamwork, and enthusiasm for VBS. Here's a list to get you started.

4 Ways to Thank Your VBS Volunteers

Encouraging your volunteers is an investment in the future of children’s ministry. Volunteer support doesn't have to cost a lot, it just needs to be intentional. Here's some low-cost (and some no-cost) ideas for volunteer appreciation that we think you'll find useful!

3 Tips for Teaching VBS Song Actions

Hey there, future song-action leaders. In this post, you'll learn a few tips on how to effectively teach VBS song actions to kids! Because everything you do is all for those kiddos, here are some tips on how to effectively apply the skills you've learned.

3 Ways to Engage Kids Every Minute of VBS

We’ve all been there. Most of the kids have finished their craft before time is up, and they’re getting antsy. Someone’s happily coloring the table, another has their craft glued to their own hand, and still more are getting dangerously close to romping gleefully out of sight toward the church volunteers who are setting out snacks. It’s a typical VBS scene.

Teacher Appreciation for Sunday School & VBS Volunteers

Sunday School, Midweek, and Vacation Bible School teachers are probably among the most underappreciated volunteers in the church. Unlike Day School teachers, these volunteers work with children only on a weekly basis, or in the case of VBS teachers, only once a year. While some volunteer teachers might receive a small Christmas gift from their regular students, most probably do not.

Easy VBS Snacks: God's Victory Mix

Here’s a great snack for you that will work great for Sunday school, VBS, or anytime you want to share a Bible story with your kids.

Make Your VBS Closing Program Memorable

Your VBS will be a special week. Lives will be changed. Families will be reached with the Gospel. Make your VBS Closing Program is one that welcomes families and visitors to your church. Plan now to ensure a smooth, impactful program; use this checklist to help.

VBSMate is your free online registration tool

Get more time for real ministry with VBSMate.

A smooth-running VBS starts with registration. It’s a tough job without the right tools, so that’s why there's  VBSMate, your free online VBS registration tool! With VBSMate, you capture consistent and complete student and volunteer enrollment with less time spent on data entry—leaving more time available for building relationships with VBS kids and families. Generate additional events to support your VBS such as volunteer training, a closing VBS celebration, and follow up meetings after VBS. Or create a new church outreach event (like a fall festival) for those new families who visited your VBS.

7 Steps to Recruiting VBS Volunteers

There are many different tasks and types of workers needed to pull off a successful VBS. That’s why we’ve listed a variety of ways for you to recruit, train, and appreciate volunteers. Be sure to consult these “Seven Steps to Recruiting Success” often!

Free Cherry Blossom Popcorn Recipe

Blooming flowers and budding trees are beautiful signs of spring! Kids will have fun making this pink popcorn that looks like blossoms on a cherry tree.

This article is adapted from the April-May 2015 issue of Happy Times .

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