6 Questions to Ask Your Sunday School Teachers NOW

If your Sunday School is winding down for the school year and you’re eager for that summer break, HOLD ON A MINUTE! Don’t close those classroom doors until you have connected with each of your teachers and assistants to talk about their experiences. Their high calling of loving children and helping them experience Jesus’ love deserves time and attention. So take the time to listen—you are investing in the future of the children and staff under your care. The information you receive now will give you a head start for fall preparations, and you’ll have the summer months to tweak glitches that become apparent.

Five Ways to Respond to the Question, Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Why do bad things happen?”

Its a common question. In fact, Id say its probably the most common and difficult question each one of us human beings face each day. We all go about our business, living each day just like the last. Then BAM. Theres a tragedy or a disaster. Someone loses a job, there's a death in the family, a lie or betrayal is exposed, or a tornado strikes. In a moment, our everyday comfortable life is upended. Were left asking the question, “Why?

7 Helpful Tips and Tricks for Planning a Summer Sunday School

Sunday School IS very important. But come summer, at churches large and small, faithful superintendents and directors face two major problems:

3 Reasons Why "The Sunday School Answer" Is Still the Best

What is the "Sunday School Answer"?

There's an old joke that the correct answer to any question asked by a Sunday School teacher is Jesus. Who loves you? Jesus! Why does this story matter? Jesus! Who drove you to church this morning?

Teacher Appreciation for Sunday School & VBS Volunteers

Sunday School, Midweek, and Vacation Bible School teachers are probably among the most underappreciated volunteers in the church. Unlike Day School teachers, these volunteers work with children only on a weekly basis, or in the case of VBS teachers, only once a year. While some volunteer teachers might receive a small Christmas gift from their regular students, most probably do not.

Teaching Difficult Bible Stories

There are certain Bible stories pretty much everybody loves teaching: the days of creation, the fiery furnace, Jesus calming the stormy sea, the Christmas story. Sunday School 101.

Ideas for Celebrating Baptism Birthdays

Stickers. Pencils. Trinkets. Been there, done that. How can a baptismal birthday celebration reflect the significance of the event? Consider ten ideas that could be used monthly in your Sunday School or elementary school classroom. Have a party and invite your community of believers!

3 Tips for Finding Sunday School Teachers

Sunday School teachers are very important. They help us bring our children up in Christ and put them on the right path to Jesus. Week after week, they choose to work with kids—boogers and all—so that they can share the love and forgiveness of Jesus. Many of us remember these amazing individuals in our own lives. We recall their bold faith and their unconditional love. (I even recall a few snacks as well!) Unfortunately, it can be hard to recruit and retain people for this vital position. We have come up with 3 tips for finding Sunday School teachers.

Tips for Recruiting Sunday School Teachers

Children’s Ministry leaders across the country are experiencing the annual “August panic.”.  It goes something like this:  “Sunday School starts up again in three weeks and we don’t have enough teachers!   Eeeeks, what will we do?”    

A Year of Sunday School Recognition Ideas

Those who lead Sunday Schools—pastors, directors of Christian education, and lay leaders—always seem to be looking for ways to keep Sunday School visible to the congregation as a whole. They know that when the activity of Sunday School can be seen, it will be valued and supported. Here are some suggestions for lifting Sunday School up in the eyes of your congregation throughout the year.

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